• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Next thing Javy felt was more cold. Piers leaning himself on him. On regular circumstances he would have hugged him and not denied the closeness of this man.. But this Charms Professor had just came from the outside and was a cool as a popsicle, which wasn't helping his already cold self. "Should've taken one of the blankets.." Yes, he was just going to wrap one around him, ignoring the need to remain professional... and now he could do some explaining since the girls were likely under shock on top of freezing. His mouth opened to begin explaining, just as Annie with her cat arrived.. Merlin, his brooding face was glad the Healer's anger was only coming out on the patients concerning well-being he deduced.
Well, for starters, "I was hosting a Creatures meeting in the Library while Leo and Nessa were holding their own Book meeting in the same area nearby. We were just beginning our meetings when we all saw the sparks. The students were beginning to panic, so while we were trying to maintain control, I noticed Leo and Mr. Bay were leaving to check things out I assume."
And now the truth, "So yes, I had sent Miss Guidry and Miss Somerlad out to hurry and deliver them blankets and see if they needed any other assistance since their lack of winter attire was quite concerning. I imagine the brave gentlemen were very quick and in a hurry to rescue whoever was out there, which may have forced the young ladies to chase them all the way outside to make the delivery and feel inclined to join them too."
So it wasn't a horrible thing on their part. "I'll admit it wasn't the most wise choice of mine.." His eyes peering at the sad states of the now semi-bald Librarian and Gryffindor student. His thoughts calculating how the situation could've played if it was just them out there. "But from the looks of things.. I think the situation could've been much worse if they didn't have the extra help."