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Old 07-02-2014, 05:49 PM   #162 (permalink)
Gladrags Mod

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

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Default Post #3
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Thinking about hugging the tree was only making him scowl -- and he didn't even have a tree! -- so he was going to think about something else. Like actually performing the charm because he did want a tree of his own, thank you. Using that as determination -- what? It counted, right? -- Grayson took a deep breath, pointing his wand over at the pot and, more specifically, over at the place where he had placed his seed before. "Herbivicus!" he said, flicking his wand at the pot.

........ Wait.........

............ Wait.............

And nothing.

More scowling.

"Herbivicus!" No. "Herbivicus!" Again, no. Grayson leaned right over and looked down at the pot. WHY wasn't the seed growing? There wasn't something wrong with his wand, he knew that. But the seed had gone ahead and decided that it didn't want to freaking grow. Did it need some words of encouragement? Shame, he wasn't good at giving those. Kid was no cheerleader.

Leaning back, the Slytherin cleared his throat again and tried a different approach. Something about intent and whatnot. And imagining a tree to be there when he was done with the spell. "Herbivicus!" he said, flicking his wand at the pot. And then............

............... SUCCESS.

There was a raised eyebrow look of surprise on his face when the seedling emerged from the soil, which was then followed by a slow grin once the seedling grew into, you guessed it, a TREE. An actual TREE. A tall one, too. HEY there. "YES! Knew you could do it!" Or he knew that he could cast the spell correctly. Whatever worked.

And now there was time for that hug. The boy cringed internally before wrapping his arms around the tree and giving it an awkward hug. Because it was a plant. A freaking plant. And he didn't understand why this step was so necessary.

Once he was done, Grayson leant away and nodded at the tree. 'Sup.
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