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Sophia waved off everything that Alexa Cambridge said. She just admitted to bribing a first year into making a crappy Valentines Day card for you because you did not want to write an essay.
"You're lazy Cambridge, end of story." Of course she thought Divination was absolute crocodile crock but meh..
"The woman was creepy...very creepy but.."You'll address her as Professor Morgan in my presence Alexa."
There was just no convincing her was there? Lex was beginning to think not and in truth it didn't matter because Bellaire wasn't the one who'd be giving her points so..............yes, she was lazy, yes she got a Firstie to do it and no she was not sorry because Professor Smiles would never know the difference. It was no big deal and Professor Belliare didn't strike her as the type to go off tattling--especially not to a woman she just called creepy so....this was fine.
"Got it Professor, duly noted for next time." If there was every going to be a next time. Lex didn't make a habit of talking about the woman, this was purely for explanation purposes and it wasn't likely that her homework for the rest of the term would be card based.