Astronomy Lesson 2 :: planetary weather 
Despite today's lesson being held in the early afternoon, an unusual chill had taken over the Astronomy classroom. The professor had a few Heating Charms in place, but they did not seem to be making too much of a difference. The desks are arranged in their usual semi circle and as you approach your seat you notice that there is something strategically placed right in the middle of the desk.
Professor Flamsteed is standing at the front of the classroom leaning against his desk with his backside with his attention on the long red balloon in his hands. Twisting and untwisting it, he tried to remember the correct steps to making the balloon creation...but only succeeded in making that horribly squeaking noise cause by balloon rubber rubbing against itself. SQUEAKY REEEEEEEEK SQUEAKY SQUEAKY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK.
Did you remember to use the lint roller on the small table outside of the classroom? It was there next to the sign that reads, "Not to be used as a brush for your hair."
So come on in and have a seat. Class will begin shortly. ⌦Lesson Progression
▸ question 1 :: Pressure, temperature, volume, and density are the basic ingredients for what?
▸ question 2 :: What happens to air pressure when the temperature goes up?
▸ question 3 :: explain either Boyle's Law or Charles' Law
▸ question 4 :: what is significant about 10 km?
▸ question 5 :: what meteorological device of predicting the weather will we be utilizing today?
▸ activity 1 :: make your own weather balloon!
▸ activity 2 :: launch your weather balloon!
▸ Class dismissed! OOC: Please be sure you are familiar with Professor Flamsteed's rules BEFORE you post in this lesson. We will know if you haven't read them! All SnitchSeeker site rules apply. |