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Professor Bellaire was on her way from the Irie and intent on making her way to her office out of this cold corridor. The irie room had been so warm she forgot to charm her clothes before leaving out. No matter, she would not be in the corridor long.
She spotted Alexa and frowned slightly..
"Cambridge..." She received a nod. "I hope you're keeping out of trouble.." she said as she walked past the girl.
Even before actually seeing anyone, she heard footsteps moving along further up the corridor in the direction she'd been coming from. Hope, there was hope because those were heels and she couldn't think of any student who walked around wearing those. Had to be a Professor. Alexa drew immediate brakes and turned at the sound of her name. Her homework would be over and done with sooner than even she had imagined.
"Hey Professor, glad I ran...into...you--wait!!"
WHY would you keep walking when there was a Gryffindor with a present for you?? Granted she was sure the Professor wouldn't appreciate the gesture but this was homework and no one said anyone had to like it.
Lex hurried after the Professor, stopping infront of her to effectively block her path, offering the widest of grins as she did.
"Are you in an awful hurry Professor? This won't even take a second, honest and you'd really be helping me out with my homework." Yes, play the homework card. Professors were usually more inclined to help when the purpose was academic...yeah?
And no, she would not stop following her until this was done. No need to be difficult.