Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Beverly Wayne. Noted. Ethan grinned at the older student, “Miss Wayne.” And gave her a nod. Well, he really can’t blame Cutty if his cousin find Miss Wayne over here, attractive. She is alright. But for Ethan, Josette is still the prettiest. Ahem. Just saying. Before he could even interrogate Miss Wayne about what transpired between her and Cutty in their Common Room, Professor Bellaire decided to start the class.
Good mood? Oh…that’s, good news then? Ethan got the impression that this professor doesn’t smile much, or in her case, always in a bad mood. Anyway! The third year gave Miss Wayne another look and nod and gave his full attention to Professor Bellaire. Well, yay, because they will not be producing snow anymore; which can be very troublesome by the way, but instead, they will conjure an ice flower. What for, exactly? And…where can he possibly use this in the future?
Ethan pushed the questions at the back of his head and went ahead to practice the spell. Orchideous Stiriacus. “Orchideous…Stiriacus.” Ethan repeated the spell under his breath, slightly getting distracted from the sight of his breath as he spoke. Merlin. Where in the world is the sun? “Orchideous…Stiriacus…Orchideous…Stiriacus. Orchideous Stiriacus.” The third year let the world roll out of his mouth naturally, while picturing what he wanted to see once he cast it with his wand.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |