♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Kace grinned when she called her penguin. He was finished eating but he could go for some sweets. He reached over and found some cookies. He munched on those. "I am very clever. Hey maybee I could be a ravenclaw.." he winked. Nah he was just joking. He loved being with the puffs. Oh right! History of Magic homework. He forget about that. "Oh righttt I have to do that too.." he frowned but his cookie made him feel better and he ate it. "Your gonna do the essay? I think I might do the option of doing a story like thing. I might have to check the notice board just to be sure.." He needed to finish his ancient runes but he would get that done in a night. As he burped he heard Lux choking. With his eyes wide he asked with a little chuckle, "Are you okay??" Giggle. Kace as a Ravenclaw could work. "You are clever like a lot of the Ravenclaws I know, but I can't see you in any House other than Hufflepuff. I think I should be a Lion." Or more that she WANTED to be a Lion. "Professor Bentley already accepted me as one of her own." Bentley was such a wonderful woman, Lux liked her so very much.
Ugh, essays. "I think so. The last option seems the easiest for me. I just have to write about being the dragon tail and how the whole play made things easier to understand." She hated essays, but this would be a very easy one for her to write. It had been such a very fun lesson, and hopefully the other classes would be as amazing.
Beating her hand against her chest, she tried to get the choking to stop, nodding when she finally thought she had a hold on it. He had just surprised her was all. |