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Lux found herself blushing a little. Maybe she was silly for being surprised at that. "So far only Bay has called me Cucumber. But that makes total sense, Penguin!" Everyone knew about her fondness of cucumber sandwiches; that was what gave her the nickname after all.
Haha! He was so funny. Laughing, Lux shook her head in amusement again. "Of course you knew. You are very clever." He was a smart boy that was for sure. All of her friends were so smart and her boyfriend was really smart too. "It does feel amazing. I still have to do my History of Magic homework." Ewww, . And of course she had to do her write up for the Ancient Runes, but that wouldn't take much time.
Sipping her pumpkin juice, Kace's burp surprised her and made her cough.
Kace grinned when she called her penguin. He was finished eating but he could go for some sweets. He reached over and found some cookies. He munched on those.
"I am very clever. Hey maybee I could be a ravenclaw.." he winked. Nah he was just joking. He loved being with the puffs. Oh right! History of Magic homework. He forget about that.
"Oh righttt I have to do that too.." he frowned but his cookie made him feel better and he ate it.
"Your gonna do the essay? I think I might do the option of doing a story like thing. I might have to check the notice board just to be sure.." He needed to finish his ancient runes but he would get that done in a night. As he burped he heard Lux choking. With his eyes wide he asked with a little chuckle,
"Are you okay??"