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Old 06-30-2014, 09:19 PM   #44 (permalink)
Furmgoat the Tawny Owl
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 140

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
In the middle of listening to music in the Technology Room, Adi was struck by how hungry he was. He figured he could head back in the direction of the common room and stop by the kitchen. But naaah. Maybe he could find someone to chat with at his House table.

So to the Great Hall the boy headed, making his way straight for the Hufflepuff table. How about a nice chicken sandwich for now? Adi took a bite of one, wishing he could have listened to his music while he ate.

Furmy flew into the Great Hall, looking around for a few seconds for his target before swooping down to the Hufflepuff table. He might've knocked a goblet over as he landed, but other than that it was pretty smooth, and he was quite proud of it.

He set the letter in front of the boy person with another "hoo" and then eyed the sandwich in the boy's hand. Hmm. That looked yummy...but not as good as an owl treat.

He should go home so he could have some.

So he flapped his wonky little wings again and soared out of the room.

SPOILER!!: delivery

To:: Aditya Rehman
From:: Hannah Lockwood


It isn't everyday that I hex a child and then write a letter to them, so you should be considering yourself lucky right about now. In all honestly you have kind of grown on me over the years simply because you stood up for yourself, and that is an admirable quality to have. I have been exploring the world, and it's a beautiful place. You have come to my mind several times. I hope that you are doing well. Are there any punks treating you badly? If so, you could always make their teeth grow. I just wanted to check in with you and wish you well. If you ever need anything please feel free to send me an owl.


Hannah Lockwood
Slytherin Royalty

There is also a small attachment to the letter.
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