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Hey Ju At least his parents knew. Merlin, that must be a hard life, having to hide who you really are. Agatha frowned slightly as she thought about it and listened as Simon explained things about his grandparents. Stange things? "Magic is not strange." She said, shaking her head. It was so weird someone would even think that!
This couldn't get any more awkward. Agatha kept staring at the fireplace and started fiddling with her scarf that was now on her lap. The looooong - at least it felt like it had been quite long - silence was broken by Simon asking her what she liked to do for fun. The girl grasped the opportunity to break that awkwardness and turned to face him once again as she started speaking. "Well, in the school there isn't that much to do. I like riding horses, but I can't do that here." Sadly. Agatha tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear before continuing. "So I just play with my pets and study most of the time." That second part was a bit of a lie, but she didn't think it was. The third year liked to think she studied quite a lot and would tell that to anyone who would ask her. Yep, she was totally an excelent student."What about you?"
Agreed," said Simon as he nodded. His grandparents didn't know of his magical abilities. It seemed better that way to the young Snake. Yes, much better. They wouldn't look at him like his brother did. They wouldn't think that he was weird. It was tough but necessary.
Nice weather were having, isn't it? he asked himself during the silence...
Yep. There was no doubt about it. This situation had gotten seriously awkward. But how? How could he avoid it next time? Why was it whenever he was hanging out with a girl that almost
everything became awkward? Sheesh.
Simon nodded in agreement. There wasn't too much to do around her. But who knows? Perhaps as they got older then they'd find things to do. He hoped that would happen. She liked riding horses. Interesting.. "
Riding horses? That sounds fun... I've never done that before," he explained. He had always been terrified of heights as a small child and never ever wanted to ride horses for that specific reason. He liked helping and feeding them but that was all he'd do. "
That sounds fun," he said. He paused and then Agatha asked him a question back.
What did he do around here for fun? "
Apart from homework and research, I've taken Feo out for walks, read comics and novels, and I spend time with Cutty, Ethan, and Zander. It's fun," he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. It was fun. "
How many pets do you have?" he asked curiously.