doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Beautiful Bentley was talking some, but Zander was still trying to calm down. This was all bit too much for the fourteen year old. Too much.
He tuned in for the last bit though incase he needed to take down some notes. Or answer any questions. Which, thank merlin, was not the case. All the had to do was pick a seed? Easy. Although Zander didn't really know the difference between any of them he just reached out for the closest one in sight. He didn't need to be taking too long and then drawing attention to himself, you know?
Because enough people have already noticed his... antsy behavior. CALM. Must remain calm. Which wasn't working out too well. Because the FLUTTERIES were starting to turn into STABBIES again. Anyways, the boxes. Zander pulled out a seed from the first one, Alder tree. Alder sounded like Adair? So good luck? Hopefully. He needed some luck. And a cold shower. And a relaxing massage.
Brussel Sprouts..... Lux, it's not working!!
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |