Arts TRANSPONSTER! Agatha was looking around, waiting for class to begin when she spotted Simon talking to professor Bentley. Was he a teacher's pet? She kept watching their interaction closely when he looked at her and waved. The girl gave him a small smile and waved back before focusing her almost full attention on the professor.
As the woman spoke about how well the plants were reacting to their new environment, Agatha looked around once again, but this time she watched the plants instead of people. They did look quite healthy and happy in there. The plants, not the people. Some people looked like they were dying or something. Merlin. Or they just needed more sleep.
Ohhh, Bonsai! Those tiny little trees. Agatha thought they were pretty and wanted one for herself. She listened as professor Bentley said the names of those seeds and decided to go for the one with the prettiest name: Enchanted Elm. She had no idea what that tree was, but it had a lovely name and she was going for it.
Making sure her gloves were nicely put on, the Slytherin then made her way to get a seed from the Enchanted Elm pot. Just one? They looked so tiny! Agatha felt like getting a handful of seeds, but she'd follow the instructions. With her seed in hands, she went back to where she was previously and got ready to take notes. Growth Charms Review. ...Review? Were they meant to know anything about Growth Charms yet? Because... Agatha didn't think she knew anything. Or maybe she just didn't remember. Yeah, she just didn't remember. Poker face.
__________________ AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________  Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you! |