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DaniDiNardo No pets? Bummer, though it didn't seem to be too much a problem for the girl. Just another fact of life, she didn't have a pet and it wasn't the end of the world. It was a little hard to imagine for Lex. Felix had been with her since the start of her first year and even though he didn't do a bloody thing he was told for YEARS she still couldn't imagine not having him around. "Let's say for arguments sake, you do get a pet, what would you take? I'd like a thestral or a baby nundu but for practicality sake kneazles are brilliant." And she meant that both as a compliment to their personality and a compliment to their intelligence. People had often told her he was too smart for his own good.
Alexa did everything not to laugh at the image of the kid hiding behind a barrel. In the end she allowed an amused smile. Lucky to have barrels wasn't she? The lion Common Room had no such things. Poor ickles but it toughened them up she liked to think. "Hmm...Hufflepuff Prefect and it's a girl. Definitely Elodie. Good you never told her to shove off, it's very likely she does have a cage." Only a small exaggeration but Elodie might as well have a cage with the way she could get. "I doubt she'd lock you in a cage though, she's more creative than that." So nothing to really worry about, right? Right.
Hayden considered that for a moment.
"Well if there are no limitations on the pet I'd say maybe a phoenix." They were really fascinating and probably smart enough to take care of themselves for the most part.
"Or a dragon," she added with a small smile. No limits, remember. She knew having a dragon for a pet was hugely impractical, almost impossibly, and also very illegal. It would be cute as a baby though, and possibly great when it was grown as long as it was loyal. An untrained fully-grown dragon, however, would not be fun at all.
"Wait, what's a nundu?" She'd heard that word before, but she could not think of the animal associated with that name.
Elodie. Yes that sounded right. It was a pretty name, but Hayden was not fond of the girl it belonged to.
"Oh." She probably did have a cage? Hayden's face paled a little and she tried to focus on the drawing as much as possible so as not to give away her probably obvious fear.
"Oh," she said again. Something more creative? Great. That only strengthened her plan to keep away from the girl as much as possible.
"What are the other prefects like?" While they were sort of on the subject. Lex was...either a sixth or seventh year probably so she should know about the people at Hogwarts. Hayden hadn't gotten a chance to know too many people yet so she'd welcome even a general overview of the other students, prefect or otherwise. She didn't have time to meet everyone herself.