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"They are from Egypt." He forgot he hadn't told Ethan about his summers. "I get 'em when I go see my grandmother in the summeh." There. Now Ethan knew he was half-Egyptian. Or maybe he wouldn't guess? Nah, Ethan was pretty smart. He'd figure it out if he wanted to. Not that it was a dire matter, it only really affected them if they were trying to hang out over the holiday. "The Malteasers are going for 9 sickles, 27 per packet. I didn't know you liked muggle sweets, Mordaunt." It stopped feeling weird after a while for Cutty to address someone by his own surname.
Cutty paused for a moment considering the gum-hating man from the platform. The one and same he and Simon saw at Hogsmeade whilst looking for Ethan. "Isn't Mordaunt, I mean the British branch, a pureblood name?"
Cutty gets to spend the summer in Egypt? Well, what do you know. Mordred and his family went there for a vacation. That’s where he got the Egyptian Tome for Aurora, and the Scarab necklace for Oakey. And yes, the Scarab coated sweets he got for Ethan…which freaked out the toddler at that time.
“…you don’t have the scary looking ones? It’s in the form of a giant scarab. Mordred got me one when I was still a baby.” Oh wait. Cutty doesn’t know Mordred, yeah?
“Mordred’s my cousin by the way.”
Yup. Moving on.
Ethan got a handful of wizarding coins from his pocket, and gave Cutty the right amount, and got himself a packet.
“Yep. It’s my favourite actually.” He said as he opened the pack and popped two pieces inside his mouth. Nomnomnom.
why is Cutty asking about his family?
Err…he just had that conversation with…oh never mind.
“It is, yeah.” Chew. Chew. Chew. “Why’d you ask?” Swallow.
“Aren’t you a pureblood?” Because…he’s a Mordaunt too, just in case he forgot.