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"What story?" There was a story? Huh? Dima, completely unaware of the boy's cool and nonchalant facade, tried to examine the tapestry a little more closely. It had nice colors... detailed designs and stuff, and the first year, having taken plenty of art lessons as a kid, could appreciate it.
But there was nothing particularly INTERESTING about it.
He nodded to the older boy's comment on its lack of eye-catching material, turning back to him. "I dunno. I was just looking around." And stuff.
A terrifying story that happened back in 2050 or so," explained Simon briefly before he got into any more detail. He raised an eyebrow and was about to ask the first year if he should go on and then. "
Some Professors were frozen when they came out from behind the tapestry back then. Something was attacking them so the Headmistress came along and placed a charm on it in order to protect them. The article I read didn't inform me about what attacked them though." Simon frowned. If only he knew what had been capable of hurting three Professors. The event happened about thirty years ago but Simon still wanted to know more information.
Then Simon received an answer from little first year. "
Looking around sounds fun. Found any secret passageways yet?" He gave the first year a kind smile and then paused, gazing at the tapestry. Oh wait. He probably should introduce himself. "
I'm Simon Holden," he said with a curt nod to the boy. Introductions were always important, yes?