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Sophie kept hold of Toby's hand the whole way, letting herself be led out of the dungeons. Usually full of things to say, Sophie was as silent as could be for once, only responding to Toby with a small smile and a nod at everything he said. Yes, yes, it was all fine with her.
She was still... processing. And not making sense of a lot of things. On one hand, there was relief that Toby seemed to have real feelings for her and even said such things aloud, but on the other hand, she couldn't help but wonder if he had just been trying to please Culloden. After all, the man had taken on a father-like role in her life, and weren't boys usually far too afraid of pleasing the fathers of the girls they liked? So how much of what Tobes had said was just for show, and how much did he really mean?
Talk in private. Yes. Sophie obediently entered the broom closet, not at all put off by his choice of location. Cozy and free of eavesdroppers, it was. "Sorry about him," she finally spoke up after a moment of silence, leaning against the dusty wall and sliding down to a seated position on the floor, uncaring about the spiderweb she had just squished. Her expression was solemn, and she forced herself to met Toby's gaze, "I wouldn't have dragged you there if I thought he'd do that. Didn't mean to... put you in an awkward position." There was no pressure for him to feel like he had to make any grand gestures now, see?
It wasn't until they were both in the broom cupboard with the door shut firmly behind them that Toby let out a huge breath. He, too, found himself sliding heavily down the wall so that he was sat almost directly opposite Soph.
Toby remained quiet for a moment, staring straight at the wall ahead of him almost as though in shock, his forearms resting on bent knees and head leaning against the stone wall behind him. When Sophie spoke, he glanced at her and managed a smile.
"S'okay," he said, hoping to Merlin that he sounded as sincere as he felt. Really, he wasn't angry or upset or anything, just a little (well, a lot) taken aback. That had all been kind of unexpected, see?
Well, now they were here, and now was the time to say something. But, for what felt like the first time ever, Toby was speechless. He looked again at Soph for just a moment, before shifting his position so he was hugging his legs, and pressed his forehead against his knees as he gave a small groan.
"That," he said in a muffled voice, finally able to speak now his face was more or less hidden.
"Wasn't how I planned to start this conversation."
Even as he spoke it felt like there were a million questions and ideas and memories and images and racing thoughts flying round and round and round in Toby's head. He knew he should look up, but it was probably a better idea to stay like this with his eyes squeezed tightly shut; it made it way easier to concentrate on what they were talking about instead of trying to look all composed or whatever.
He could do this. He could have this conversation.