doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo Zander flipped when he saw the notice for the upcoming herbology lesson. Lux had told him that he had to avoid Professor Bentley at all costs. Well... She didn't exactly say Professor Bentley, because Lux had no idea that Bentley was the beautiful girl that Zander had his eyes on. Ahem. And she could never know. No one could know. It was already embarrassing enough without anyone knowing his secret.
So how could he avoid her during a HERBOLOGY lesson?! Impossible. He'd just have to avoid eye contact. At all costs. Also speaking. He'd have to avoid that too. This would be a struggle.
He was feeling particularly antsy about todays lesson. He had managed to become a red sweaty mess even in the freezing Hogwarts winter. Ugh. This is bad. He hasn't even seen her yet. Taking a deep breath, Zander quickly ran into the room. Yes, ran. He analyzed it as quickly as he could. Okay, long table. Boxes. Where was Bentley?
NO. CAN'T FIND BENTLEY. Okay. A little peek wouldn't hurt. NO NO NO IT HURT. HE WAS WRONG. NO. MUST AVOID EYE CONTACT. Panicked Zander ran all the way to the OPPOSITE side of the table. It hurt his heart knowing that he couldn't even say hello. This would be a long lesson. What was Lux's advice again? Think of something you hate instead of thinking of the girl he liked?
BRUSSEL SPROUTS. MUST THINK ABOUT BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Those evil, evil vegetables would have to help push out thoughts of Beautiful Herbology Angel Bentley. THEY JUST HAD TO OKAY!?! HE WAS DYING HERE.
Speaking of Lux, the hufflepuff was already there. He could just go stand next to her? NO SHE WOULD TOTALLY FIGURE IT OUT. NOPE OKAY. NO TALKING AT ALL. NOT FOR THIS KID. AHHH THE NERVOUS SWEAT WAS BACK. AND THE STOMACH FLUTTERIES. GAH.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |