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Old 06-27-2014, 08:14 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Sophie agreed with him about her father--he's not the one Cutty wanted to talk to. They were on mutual grounds, so she said nothing about that. Then he called her "Love", which earned him an eye roll. "Don't call me Love," she muttered. To her, it always seemed like a sign of disrespect, no matter if Cutty meant it that way or not. She wanted to be respected, and that was that. "Don't flatter yourself either. I did that, because I wanted mass chaos--not a boyfriend." If she had wanted a boyfriend, she at least had better ways of going about it.

Sophie raised her eyebrows when it seemed he was going to do something different and un-Cuttylike for her. "Well, no, because I didn't really want to get into trouble. Had I actually had billywigs, I'd have been sent straight to the Headmistress upon getting here, and I just wanted a little fun on the way there. Not expulsion," she said.

The he went on describing his own plans for a potion, plans that Sophie didn't know if she was entirely on board with yet. "I don't know, Cutty. I'm more spur of the moment," she said. "I like getting people when they're at their best, because if I impair them, then that's not their best." She shrugged. Didn't Culloden just have them brew a potion that would, in the end, accomplish the same thing Cutty was wanting to do?
Did he say she wanted a boyfriend. A weak, but all the same very present smirk was there before Merlin and the Slytherin Common Room. He hadn't said any such thing. That was interesting, but expected. More or less a confession from the horses mouth. What on earth made her go there, h'mmm? The comment about his conversation with Alec Summers? "Sophie, 'loov' is nothing more than a politer manner of addressing a female. I dursent use it to suggest anything other than a want of something to call you other than 'eh yew!' or 'Sophie' or 'Newell' since all tehrms there can apply to more than one pehrson." Would she get this? He expected not, since it was only typical of Woolyback females to think of being addressed by Love as something more than it was. "Booht, if yer want me to call yer something else it can be arranged." Possibly. Or Possibly he'd just call her whatever and she may or may not give attention and it may or may not help the situation. He considered this unknowing a great deal of fun, though it hardly looked it as he sank into his propped up arm.

He listened from this position to her explanation. "Makes sense. And I like spur of the moment from time to time." He held up a finger. Not the middle one. His index. "When there is only one that's fine. But three students. We're dealing with some variables here." He thought she must've had experience with this. She was a twin. "Have you and Caleb ever teamed up to do something y'weren't supposed to do?"
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