Text Cut: catch up
Text Cut: Romanos
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Noooo more questions. Whether that was good or bad, who knows. They had just enough time for the activity however. Or so she thought. They did have enough time for the activity, right? "I know this is a lot to take in, especially in one sitting. So let's get up and moving."
"I did haff plans to start the knockback jinx in class and move onto the impediment jinx during your homevork..." Who was the one who brought up the impediment jinx again? "...however, due to the cold, ve'll save the knockback jinx for homevork and move around more vith the activity in class. So, first things first. Be up on your feet and haff your vand in hand. Quite difficult to perform a spell vithout it."
"For time restraints, I'll continue on. Secondly, the incantation for this spell is impedimenta. You'll vont to say this very clearly. Make sure to get the "a" in the sound, not "deh" or "di". Imped-a-menta. Thirdly, the vond movement is a simple flick of the vond horizontally. Like so." Taking out her wand, she demonstrated the wand movement. A simple short flick to the side. Nothing intricate.
"Go on a practice the incantation and vond movement separately for a few seconds vhile I set up the activity. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask."
Text Cut: Romanos
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Moving around to the side of the stands, she revealed a disillusioned medium sized and rather plain metal container. Levitating it towards the front of the class, not that it was heavy or anything but, it wiggled and shook and sounds of things rapidly hitting the inside were more than likely noticeable.
Wiggle wiggle shake shake BAM!
Ahem. "Listen up! Your task is to immobilize votever comes out of this box. I vill be adding a couple additions to your targets that vill be vorth points, so keep an eye open for them." Simple enough, right? Waiting a couple beats of a moment, she flicked her wand and the lid popped right off. ZOOOM! A handful of cornish pixies flew straight in the air, followed by more than three dozen butterflies and...oh yes, unusually quick chocolate frogs in great numbers. Was there also a metal bird running free upon the ground?
Good Merlin, how did Sonya get in there? OOC: Basically, you're using impedimenta to immobilize the pixies, butterflies, chocolate frogs, and anything else that Professor Romanos may toss into play. First one to immobilize the item worth points will win the points for their house. Please do not RP the results of your characters cast against the item worth points; only RP the casting of the spell. The results will be determined OOC.
Feel free to have the pixies but your characters! We'd prefer to keep the injuries on a down-low, especially since this isn't a dangerous spell. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Text Cut: Romanos
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Kinda an explosive start wasn't it? They were going after the pixies first thing too! Which was smart, in her opinion.
Oh my, 'course Sonya was a target too. Poor frozen bird.
Watching the students for a few seconds, she absentmindedly reached into the metal container, grasping something. Was there an undetectable extension charm on that container? Maybe. Maybe not. Could've been anything. After a couple moments, she pulled out a tennis ball and tossed it into the air.
"TWO POINTS!" OOC: Haai everyone. To clear up any confusion, you may RP the results of any other object other than the object worth points. For example, you may RP the results for chocolate frogs, butterflies, and pixies, but not for the tennis ball Professor Romanos just tossed into the air.
Text Cut: Romanos
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An echoing shout of spells filled the room all at once. They were certainly on their toes this time.
Noting which spell had come from which direction, the first to be hit was a butterfly that flew just in front of the bright red soft object. It's neighboring partner froze mid air as well, however, it left an easy opening for the third spell to make contact with the tomato plush. And just who's spell had that been?
"Four points to Slytherin!" she called out. "Keep in mind, anticipate vhere the object is going and any factor that may intervene vith your line of casting."
Impedimenta. They were going to use that. Heh, not bad. Still, she practiced it a bit even if she was familiar with it already. Her tutors had been somewhat useful
besides serving as dummies or test subjects.
Beverly flicked her wand horizontally. The move wasn't all that complicated. She liked these time of wand movements; fast and to the point. Next, she went for the incantation.
Impedimenta. Im-pe-da- men-ta." The latter she pronounced like Professor Romanos had instructed. With the 'ah' sound instead of the 'eh' or 'ih.' Now for it all together, fast and sure. "
Impedimenta...Impedimenta...Impedimenta!" Yes, that sounded perfect. Reeeady.
Suddenly she was mildly distracted by what was inside that container Professor Romanos was levitating. Why was it wiggling? Were live things in there? Beverly raised an eyebrow, her fingers turning her wand between them. She was about to guess when...
Holy fluffy kneazles!
Cornish pixies?! Really? And Butterflies and chocolate frogs (could she catch those in her mouth?), it was the best challenge EVER. Quickly putting her hair in a ponytail, she squeezed it tight. Time to freeze
eat some in chocolate frog cases these suckers.
OH. Pixie!
Beverly pointed her wand at it, training her eyes on it. Squinting, she flicked her wand horizontally. "