Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd
Sweet they were getting onto the practical portion of the lesson! He was excited for this. He heard the spell they were gonna use. It was called impedimenta. He wrote it down and also the wand movement and began to practice saying it first. He cleared his throat and said, "Impedimenta.... impedimenta... impedimenta.... impedimenta..... impedimenta...... impedimenta." There that seemed easy enough. He practiced the wand movement now and he began flicking his wand back and forth in a horizontal line. Now it was all set.
Woaahh onto the activity! So now they had to put their spells to the test! Alright he could do this. All they had to do was immobilize the creatures. He got his target on the little pixie coming his wand. He pointed his wand and said, "Impedimenta!" with the flicking of the wand back and forth in a horizontal line. He wondered if his spell worked.
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