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Old 06-26-2014, 03:03 PM   #35 (permalink)
Forbidden Forest Animals
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 212

The clacking of the two acromantulas' pinchers intensified as the humans moved forward and intruded on their forest. At least the rude female who had woken the first with her sparks was not with this group. The tribe had had quite enough of her presence in the forest poking her nose where it did not belong and overall being a nuisance in their territory. Nests, as she had so tactlessly referred to it the last time they had encountered her here.

"What business do you have here?" the first spider questioned as it marched out from the shadows in front of the humans as it waved one of its eight thick hairy legs at them menacingly. "Humans need not tread here. It is unsafe."

"We have warned the strange speaking woman before to stay away, and yet she does not listen. Now you are here," bellowed the second as it too appeared from the shadows and scurried its way around the human group to the back. "Why?"

With the humans sandwiched between the two acromantulas, they waited impatiently with their pinchers clacking together for answers.
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