SPOILER!!: Ainsleyyyy
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This one was sweet and energetic, how refreshing. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well Tiffany. I look forward to working with you."Weren't nice people so awesome? Ainsley definitely thought so. The blonde only hoped that everybody would remain this way as the work year went on.
Ainsley blushed at the words sweet. "Thank you kindly. It really wasn't any trouble." Sure, it had taken her awhile to do everything, but when it was something that you enjoyed it didn't matter. Ainsley was genuinely pleased at the response of her treats.
"What is it that you will be doing?" Yeah, Ainsley kind of briefed herself on everybody and their job descriptions, but it was still good manners to ask and see what the person had to say.
Tiffany quietly continued taking small bites of the cookie. That way she wouldn't be caught with a huge mouthful before she had to speak. It was a tip she learned over the years. Ah. She was good at this. Speaking of which, it was her turn to speak once again. See? The trick worked because she didn't have to go speaking with her mouth full!
"Oh, of course I look forward to working with you as well! It'll be a lot of--" She wanted to say fun... But would that be unprofessional? Were they allowed to have fun? Fun wasn't on the job description... No. She had to watch herself. Be professional.
"I mean, it'll be super enjoyable to be working around such nice people!" Better?
Would would she be doing? Working in the minister's office of course. Level one. Didn't Ainsley already know that? Wasn't she... oh wait. She was talking about her position. Well duhhh.
"Oh, I'm going to be an advisor! I'm very excited." Even though she really didn't know what advisors did... Besides the job description of course. That much was given.
"What position are you in?" Should she have done her research or something? Nah. It would've been creepy.
SPOILER!!: Mr Isaacs!
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Events had a funny way of letting you meet your employees before you could get them into a more formal setting. He for one found it refreshing, a change to the atmostphere that sometimes settled on this level as he'd realized during his first meeting in which they insisted on last name basis only out of professionalism. Gavin wasn't one for rapport anyway so it didn't bother him too much and he was quite accustomed to not referring to them by their first names.
"Outside of the mirror gallery, did you enjoy the event?" It had been for them afterall. Carefully planned and thrown together within certain time constraints. After so many chaotic twists and turns he and the others had decided some normalcy would be appreciated. For him it was, though it didn't seem like Emily was enjoying herself all that much. "Heard there was a Quidditch Gallery but never got a look for myself." And look at that, Mr. Anti-Social was making small talk. This was meant to be in history books!
As far as all the trouble went, they were already trying to ensure they didn't have repeats. Did he think they would have uneventful years entirely? No but he did know they were cracking down on things that could go wrong. "Rest assured we've already checked and double checked the building. Everything seems in tip top working order and we're looking to have a productive year filled with quite a few projects." Some that would be requiring assistance from Level 1 but they could get into that later, this was a party.
Hm. Exactly what had she been doing in the hall of mirrors? When she had unofficially met her boss. Who she didn't know would be her boss? It was kind of hard trying to remember all the bits and pieces of the night. Mostly because she chose not to remember much of it, other than her outfit. It had been rather dull for her. She was stuck babysitting someone's random kid for a while. Then the mirrors where she met some stuck up lady. And honestly it was kind of lonely without having an escort. She'd have to keep that in mind next time. Escorts are a must. Especially when you don't know anyone.
Yet, when Mr. Isaacs asked her about the night, she felt the need to lie. To reassure him that it was wonderful. Of course the venue was beautiful and everything looked so nice. She didn't want to let him down.
"Oh, it was wonderful," she said with a smile.
"The food was magnificent and everyone seemed to enjoy the venue." She didn't have much to say about anything else though. Quidditch Gallery? They had one of those? Man. Maybe if she hadn't spent so much time with that stupid baby, she could've had more of an opportunity to explore.
"Oh, I actually didn't get to go see that either. I wish I had," meh. Not really. Quidditch was only fun to watch because the players were fun to watch, if-you-know-what-she-means.
"I was, er, tied down with other distractions during the dinner, but I'm sure it was fabulous, like the rest of it was!" She was trying to be encouraging. Because she could tell that there was a lot of work put into the gala.
Tiffany smiled as he reassured her of the damage control. Well that was a relief! She did not want to have to work with any infestations on the loose. That would've been chaotic to say the least.
"Oh, I'm glad." It was good to see that the ministry was back on its feet again.
"With the infestation it sounded like a lot of stress, but I can see that it was dealt with quite well! The place looks wonderful," she was talking about level one of course. She hadn't had a chance to walk around the rest of the ministry yet. Hopefully they were all okay too.
SPOILER!!: Mister Minister XD
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Albert Kettleburn
Oh, new employees! Albert smiled at his new young employee with delight, offering her a hand as she approached. Her excitement was palpable, and Albert appreciated that enthusiasm. Being an employee for the Ministry of Magic was very exciting, yes. Being a member of this staff was doubly so.
"It's my pleasure, Miss Price. We certainly have need of your expertise, and I hope Gavin is making you welcome. Are you finding everything you need?"
Woah. It really was the Minister of Magic himself. In the flesh. Right there. Shaking her hand. It was real. See back at Witch Weekly, she did have to interview countless celebrities of course, but never the Minister! He was like, THE celebrity. And
SHE was going to get to work with
HIM. Wow, Coco was right! Good things do happen to people with a good sense of fashion!
Tiffany smiled as Mr. Minister Kettleburn said her name. HER NAME. Fighting the urge to fangirl was getting more and more difficult by every passing moment. But she refrained from doing so. She'd just have to call one of her friends up and talk to them about it all when she got home! yeah. That'd be a good plan. Tiffany blushed as he mentioned the need for
HER expertise. Never in a million years would she have thought that she'd get the opportunity to work for
THE Minister of Magic. Weird.
"Oh of course, Mr. Isaacs is great!" It felt weird to call her boss by his first name. So Mr. Isaacs it is.
"And everything is lovely, everyone is so welcoming here."
Then she looked over at the sweets that Ainsley had brought with her.
"Would you like me to get you anything, Sir? Ainsley brought some wonderful sweets! I recommend the cookies," Maybe he'd eat them all so that she wouldn't have to take anymore. The cookies was delicious don't get her wrong. She just couldn't afford to eat anymore. She had a figure to watch, duh.