Sun and moon symbols. The symbols were cute, for one. Leah liked those, and that was a positive sign. The mention of pizzas made her lick her lips and grab a heart-shaped cookie. She could not help it. What was with lessons this year talking about food? Leah nibbled on the cookie while looking at her
chart again. She soon found the sun sign... in the ninth house. Immediately fliping to the directed page, she read the description, frowning.
If you have the Sun in the 9th house, you may wish to find, understand, live and accept a higher ideal or philosophy. But, then again, you may be one who insists upon scientific proof before anything can be believed. You can be the far- sighted thinker, one of high ideals and tolerance of other people's views or the dogmatic fanatic who just parrots what others have told you. Generally, there is a quest for truth and wisdom and a love of travel, not necessarily physical. You may have an aptitude for foreign languages and a love of foreign culture.
Hmm? She is a far-sighted thinker? That sounded niiice. The final part about having an aptitude for foreign languages and a love of foreign culture was kind of correct, as she was part Asian.
Leah moved to find her moon. It was about right opposite the sun, in the third house. Expecting more good things, the second year turned a page and read the description.
If you have the Moon in the 3rd house, you possess intellectual curiosity and may well express your true feelings through speech, poetry or writing. Intellectualizing your feelings is probable. There is a strong need for communication and for gathering information, which is later shared with people in general or women in particular. You have a fine sense of humor and like to joke and play around. Travel appeals to you because it affords new opportunities for learning. Routine of any kind probably bores you and you are constantly looking for variety. Your ideas change at a moment's notice and you are forever flexible and adaptable to any situation. Learning is perhaps better accomplished through listening rather than reading. Your mind can be quite emotional at times. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is on communication and information exchange. Your personality gathers, shares and reacts to information. This position represents the intermediary, the go-between, and the dissemination functions.
She could not help but feel tired reading that much description. She possesses intellectual curiosity... like a Ravenclaw? Nope, not really. Fine sense of humor, that one was right. And YES!!! Learning is not accomplished through reading! So Leah closed her book with a smile and relaxed, waiting to move on. Hey, Divination was fun.