Peeking over to look at Jasmine's There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris was still contemplating how almost inaccurate the traits identified on his birth chart were. Yes they had been derived from his birth data but it could still be possibly wrong, right? Cris wanted to ask Professor Morgan how accurate these charts were but decided to stay silent for the time being.
He glanced over at Jasmine and wondered what she was thinking. "May I?" he whispered to Jasmine before glancing down at her birth chart and then making reference to the pages. After he read what had been written regarding the position of both her sun and moon signs, Cris looked up from the book to look at her, brows raised.
Interesting. All the good stuff the text was saying about the position of her sun and moon signs, that was Jasmine. He had to disagree about the moodiness thought. Ever since they met, he had never seen her in a moody or bad temper, and he didn't expect to either.
Yes! he had been right. Not all of the readings were accurate.