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| Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Jotting down notes, she was still a little confused with everything that the professor was going on about. AJ was just hoping that this boring part of the lesson would be over and that they would be able to blow something up like the last time. "Professor you mentioned the eyes being icy blue, is that something that differs with the cold ones too?" She couldn't remember if she had noted the eye color of the cold ones before. "Not necessarily. This is one trait they in fact both share. Forgive me if I had not mentioned that fact before vith the Cold Ones. So yes, keep in mind everyone, both the Cold Ones and Skygge haff icy blue eyes." Along with plenty of other icy features. Taking a moment to stretch her legs out in front of her, wiggling her toes within her boots to get the circulation going, she nodded when the remaning students gave their answers. "Right. Good. Two points for everyone who answered. Their differences include their creation, their appearance, and their abilities. Thank you Mister Strand, for mentioning the last. Granted, ve haffn't gone over vot a Skygge is capable of as of yet, however, I kept hearing a few of you mention shield magic ven discussing the Skygge. This is solely applied to the Cold Ones."
Though she was rather pleased with how much they were remembering as it were. "Ve're going to be doing some spellvork shortly, so if you'd like to start stretching a little vhile sitting or standing, go ahead. Don't overstretch yourself please though. Injuries are not uncommon ven it is as chilled as it is."
"Moving on to the Skygge's abilities. They are slower than the Cold Ones, just as fast as any human, yet, they are stronger with their physical strength...And much like the zombies that you know, they crave human flesh." Rooooll the ankles. Steeetch! "Unlike the Cold Ones however, the only magic they posses is vot makes them the Skygge. There are no shields ve need to go through, nor tricks up their sleeves that ve need to votch out for. They are, for lack of better vords, the Cold Ones minions. Though you vouldn't particularly vont to find yourself surrounded by them, despite their lack of intelligence that the Cold Ones posses."
Pausing, she stood up to stretch her back. "Vith this in mind, vould anyone like to venture a guess on vot spells vould vork against them?"
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