There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris listened attentively even as he copied down what Professor Romanos had to say. Then she posed another question, which he spent some time thinking on. Then he waited patiently for the others to share their answers before he raised his hand to answer.
"Professor, the Cold Ones have a way of protecting themselves. They have a shield around them that makes it hard for people to get close to their cold hearts. The Skygge, who were the ones the Cold Ones infected by their touch, don't have such a protective shield. I'm assuming it's because unlike the Cold Ones who were once magical folk, the Skygge could be any human. There's also a difference in their name. The Cold Ones are called Døde Sjeler in Norwegian, while the Skygge are just called the Skygge," Cris guessed.
Well he knew what the other differences were, but they had already been mentioned by the other students.