Woot! YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Jasmine smiled and was glad to be back in the Environmental Office area. She didn't like the basement area too much. It did give her the creeps. As she walked in she noticed Alex. Jazz saw her pouring coffee and said, "Well at least I am not the only one here early huh?" she joked with her. "Is the coffee any good?" she asked before she made herself a cup. She was rather picky with her coffee taste. Quote:
Originally Posted by QueenGinger Pem was fighting the urge to go back and find the stray cat she had fed part of her breakfast to this morning. She walked into the office area where she was still getting used to her new life as an 'adult'. "Good morning." Pem greeted the only other two she could see with a smile and a little wave. "So, tell me...is it always this deserted here?" Pem asked with a chuckle as she joined for coffee. It was pretty empty but maybe everyone was hiding somewhere and waiting to join in? That was a possibility. "Are there any hiding spots we need to check?" Pem was mediocre at best when it came to hide-and-seek games, but she'd be willing to hunt down the rest of their department if it was needed.
She would definitely make sure she found that stray cat. Ah good, her pseudo kid sister made it after all! Beaming at the younger woman watching her stirring her coffee, she smiled. "Nope. I always like to get an early start. Especially given my position, I need to research how the climate should be today inside the building earlier rather than later," she mused, taking a sip of her coffee. "Eh... add some sugar and cream, and its not half bad. At least its got caffeine." Or so she thought. If it didn't, she didn't want to know. But there was one thing she needed to know, but that would need to wait until at least mid-morning before she pressed Jazz with questions.
And there was their new permitting officer! "Morning," she beamed at the woman who was younger than Jazz, even. "... I think it's just early. Most people don't dwindle in here for about another forty five minutes. We're just early, getting situated and whatnot..." she surveyed the refreshment table a moment, before selecting a fudge cookie. "Cookie?" she asked the two other woman, before frowning at Pem's question. Hiding places? "Why would people be hiding? I think if they'd be hiding, they would hide at home rather than bother showing up early in the morning only to hide so early on ..."
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |