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Lex talked even faster than HE did, which was saying something 'cause Dima's mouth ran like the wind. But due to that, he understood her rapid words pretty easily. Omelettes. "Am I allowed in the workshop? I don't take that class." Not that he minded helping her with her homework, though.
That was what Ravenclaws DID, right? Genius to the rescue! Raaah!
"Okay!" Before he took the bowl, the first year grabbed a spatula. Weren't those used for omelettes? As soon as he had the egg mixture in his hands, the kid poured it into the pan. It seemed... omelette-y enoughish after a while, so Dima slipped his spatula underneath it and folded it over. Voila.
Was he allowed?
Well actually she didn't know so being the responsible Prefect she was, Lex responded to the best she could.
"Yeah, sure, why not? I don't suspect Professor Botros will be up their patrolling the room and if he is, you're with me so it doesn't matter." No matter what, she wasn't going to get
him into trouble, nope, just like back with Collarbin she'd take whatever heat might exist, the Gryffindor just thought some company would be nice. As far as company went, he wasn't so bad.
Lex watched Dima flip the omelette, leaning forward some to have a better look at it. Yup. Looked about right but again, even if it wasn't, this was NOT her problem. She wouldn't be tasting it.
"Great." She said, levitating the pot back to the counter and scooping the omelette from the pot to the plate.
"Looks great. C'mon, Workshop next then we're done." Lex got something to cover the plate then headed from the kitchen with it and the ingredients for another omelette, figuring he was right behind her.