Thread: The Greenhouses
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Old 06-22-2014, 10:15 PM   #110 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

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Not really sure of the name of the plants she was dealing with AJ walked over to some that looked like they may pull through if they managed some attention and pronto. Deciding that she would stick with what she was doing before, she bent over and started to re-pot them. Maybe somebody would get the hint and take them to the temporary greenhouse for her.

Slinging dirt, she managed to transfer one plant into him new little home and covered it with dirt. One plant was down and ready to be transferred. Moving on to the next plant that looked the same as the first she did the same steps over. Now she had two whole plants ready to move. "Anybody want to take these?" she called out to no one in particular. She secretly wondered if Adi would appear and offer his help considering he had always been the one to come to her rescue before. Of course they were having...issues? Was that the right word? So he most likely wouldn't.

If nobody came to help before she was done with the re-potting of the third plant she would just carry them up herself. Of course she was not familiar with the levitation spell so it would only take her longer to accomplish this, and waste time that could be better spent.
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