SPOILER!!: You wanna be Lestrade? XD
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The Cold Ones did thrive in frigid weather. As soon as Ethan mentioned the point about whether or not the Cold Ones had powers over the weather. He bit his lip. His brain churned. These conversations were good with Ethan. They always propelled each other forward to consider other possibilities. That was a good point. They hadn't learnt about if the Cold Ones did have that power, but who knew? They didn't really understand how they were created properly so maybe they did have that power because they used to be witches and wizards. He paused. "Right. We don't know if they do for sure, but they were once witches and wizards. What if they retained some of their abilities?" he offered. Then what else could be causing the weather? Dementors? Simon didn't know the answer to Ethan's next suggestion but then when Ethan went further to explain the arm, Simon's blue eyes widened. OH Merlin. "Maybe... Maybe.. OH Merlin. Maybe we should go do some research on this ASAP." Or talk to the Professors.
"Yeah, I'm alright. It's just.." he began and then all of a sudden he sneezed under his arm. Achoooo! Eugh. He blinked a couple of times. "It's just allergies. Pollen." Simon Holden wasn't getting sick or was he? No. No. It was just allergies. He was healthy. He had his vitamins today. He'd been a good boy.
After potting up some more of the plants, he glanced over at Ethan. "Do you think we have enough room on the wooden sled for five more pots?"
Ethan nodded without looking at Simon as he heard his next words.
“That’s a big factor. Them being witches and wizards.” The third year pulled one of the plants carefully and trodded back to the sled with the huge pot. But doing so…he paused.
“Simon…Merlin, that just might be the answer to my question!” he exclaimed and hurriedly placed the plant on the pot.
“Like what you said, the Cold Ones are Witches and Wizards, and they might be driving this weather up to make sure they’ll survive the trip here. They need the extra cold to survive!” Ethan blinked at his own theory and shook his head.
“I might be over-thinking things, but…it all makes sense! Why would the Cold Ones come for us when they have all the ice and snow in their place of origin? They’re definitely after something!” The Slytherin shook his head and continued the task.
“Yes…we need to research more about them. Maybe I could owl Mordred too and see what he knows.” and maybe they should talk to Professor Romanos about this?
Merlin. No sneezing! You can’t be sick Holden! Oh okay, pollens.
“Er…right, I’ll take care of the flowers then.” He said as he gently pushed Simon away from it. Allergies can be deadly. And holy Fawkes, Simon can’t be in bed nursing a cold if the Cold Ones are out to get them. Nope.
Five more pots?
“No problemo, sire!” Ethan got his wand out again and placed an Engorgement Charm on the sled.
“Engorgio!...All righty. More space for five more pots…and a half.” With a nod, he tucked his wand away again and continued to re-pot the flowers trying his best not to think about their theory.