Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛
He continued to stare at his surroundings. This was definitely Madame Pudifoots... He did not like Valentine's day.. Oh well. He continued to drink his tea and wait.
Out of nowhere, Ethan had appeared. Simon glanced up to see his friend taking a seat by him. He chuckled when Ethan told him that he was early. "Or maybe you're just late," he teased before taking another sip of his cup of tea. Then he demolished a couple more cookies. Could they get some more cookies. Raising his eyebrows at his friend, he smirked ever so slightly. "Someone's in a good mood. I'm glad to see that. What have you been up to today?" said Simon.
Then Zander appeared and came over to join them. By taking one look at his Lion friend, Simon could tell that Zander too was sort of overwhelmed by all the pink in the room. "Hey Zander! Super pink, huh?" he said to his friend.
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