The blanket over her knees was still very much welcome, and though it was a shame that there would be no napping here, at least it was a grand opportunity to build rapport with Zander. Because that's what this was, rapport building... getting to know him on a deeper level.
"Unbearable is too right," she agreed, and it was slowly killing her and her plants... she could only imagine how much worse it would have been had the winter set in last year. Her aged body would have seen its end had that been the case. And there was an idea she gave some thought to. The couch in the common room proved to be exceptionally comfortable last year, and she was certain one of the dorms could accommodate her.
"You know what?... I think that's a brilliant idea!.. and that way I can keep a closer eye on you lot," she mused with a wink. Heh. She wouldn't ruin things for them entirely, and for the most part she figured it could be a fun experience...
"The plants are struggling, I keep warming water for them, checking the climate charms, adding mulch... nothing seems to be working, I might have to find them alternative accommodation too." It was such a pickle they were in.
Of course, her own problems took a back seat as Zander began to express to her his woes regarding his subjects and... well... his prospects. Admittedly, the way he put it, it did sound rather depressing, but she was sure this wasn't the case.
"Okaayyyyy..." she started, a solitary nod indicating she'd heard and was processing.
"Let me fill you in on a little secret." And that it was, or at least, it was now that Vindictus no longer taught here, he knew her secrets only too well.
"I was a dreadful Ravenclaw," she confessed.
"I knew my ingredients in Potions, but that's as far as my knowledge took me... I hated Airthmancy, and Runes, Transfiguration I found to be challenging, though Charms I was moderately good at. To this day I'm convinced I'd fail Muggle Studies and really... from what you've told me, you're in a better position than I was." And that was the truth. Seren wiggled across the couch, just a little bit closer to him. She'd have offered him some blanket too if she didn't think it would be weird. Alas, she held onto it.
"And you know what? It's not too late, and you can get better... and you're not at all a lost cause to begin with." "So come on, lets find you a career path." Seren conveniently ignored the bit about her resting, she didn't need to rest, especially not when one of her Lions needed her.
It was then that Leo interrupted them, or joined them... or something... and with new stocks it seemed.
"Leo," she greeted in return, also ignoring formalities in front of the student. She waited as Zander introduced himself. Funny how cute he was, stuttering and all. Seren moved the blanket so that it draped over him instead. He must have been cold. That's what it was.
"We were about to consider some career pathways, care to assist us?" she asked the librarian. He was after all, more knowledgeable in this field than she was.