SPOILER!!: Jasmine
QUOTE=Daydreamer11;11627871]Jasmine smiled when Cris complimented her work. It meant a lot that Cris said that he had confidence in her. She had a bad habit of second guessing herself and was often afraid that she hadn't done things well enough. Just to have Cris' vote of confidence made all the difference in the world.
Then the talk turned to Valentine's Day. Was Cris kidding? Was there anywhere else in the world Jasmine would rather be on that day than with him. "Yes, I have plans for Valentine's Day", she said with a straight face. "I plan to spend the day with my boyfriend. You might know him.....tall, incredibly handsome, Hufflepuff?" Jasmine could barely contain her laughter. "Of course I want to do something with you. That I don't need to think about."
Cris asked Jasmine if she would like to finish the potion. He really did trust her ability and she was flattered. "I'd be happy to finish for you", she said with a smile. Then Jasmine looked into Cris' journal to determine the final steps in the process.
When the fifteen minute boiling leriod was up, Jasmine removed the cauldron from the fire. Checking her watch, she took the spoon and began to stir the potion in a clockwise direction. After seventy seconds had passed, she stopped stirring. Then Jasmine reached for the porcupine quill and carefully dropped it into the cauldron. Putting the spoon back into the cauldron, she gave it five clockwise stirs. Stepping back, Jasmine said, "I guess we let it cool now".[/QUOTE]
Jasmine was really good in brewing potions. Cris wasn't surprised though. He had witnessed for himself her deep concentration whenever he would sneak glances at her during their potions lessons. However, his attention was drawn from their joint potion making when she replied to his question about Valentine's Day.
When she first told him that she already had plans with someone else from Hufflepuff. Cris' heart plummeted. He should have known that someone else would have asked her first. But then when she continued to speak, he realized that she had been teasing him all along. Cris inwardly breathed a sigh of relief even as he began to grin widely.
Wagging his index finger at her, he shook his head even as he laughed. "
Okay you really got me there. Good punk." Then he smiled, "
Thank you for accepting my invitation, my lady," Cris did a half bow before straightening up. "
We can go to Madam Puddifoots Tea Parlour for lunch and then maybe after that take a stroll around Hogsmeade. Here's hoping that the weather will have warmed up by then," Cris discussed their options with Jasmine.
But he had plenty of time to plan their first Valentine's day as a couple. For now, it was back to making the potion for Mickey. He waited for her to finish before nodding in agreement. "
Perfecto Mundo, Jasmine. Yes, the instructions say to allow the potion to cool before bottling it up. I guess while we're doing that, I can go ahead and start cleaning up," Cris suggested as he began gathering up what they had used.
He was in the middle of magically cleaning them, when he heard someone entering the Potions Lab. Cris turned to see who it was and when he realized that it was their Potions Master.
SPOILER!!: Professor Culloden
Originally Posted by
Cosgrach heard some noises from the potions classroom, and upon listening to it more closely, he nodded to himself and grabbed a vial of potion that was still red in colour and a paper explaining how to brew it. Entering the laboratory, he smiled at them both.
"Hello Jasmine, Cris," he greeted them and turned to Cris. "I got a response. They sent you a vial of a potion that will give your friend some immune system, and this contains instructions." He set them both on a clean desk. "Everything's in the paper." The properties and such. "Hope your friend gets better."
........did they have a question?
Cris could see the Professor speaking. He could also hear him explaining why he had come there. But Cris had the hardest time believing what he was hearing. The Professor had indeed stuck to his word. He had asked his friends whether they knew of any potion that could help Mickey and his immune deficiency disorder. The professor was here with a vial of the potion and the instructions on how to brew it.
It wasn't that he doubted the Professor. He just didn't think that he would find the help Mickey needed that quickly. But he had been wrong, and this was one time, Cris was glad he was.
Cris stared down at the paper Professor Culloden was holding in his hand and then at the vial of potion. Then he looked up at the Professor lost for words.
Oh please don't let me start bawling in front of Jasmine and the Professor,' Cris thought to himself as he tried to find the words to thank the Potions Master.
I....I...I don't know what to say except thank you Professor. Thank you so very much. I'll make sure to OWL this to my mother, so that she can give it to Mickey's mother. I have no doubt that this will help Mickey feel better," Cris nodded determinedly. Picking up the vial, Cris looked at it and thought it fitting that the potion's color was red. Red not only represented love but it also represented energy, strength and life's blood. This would be what Mickey would be gaining once he drank this potion.
Cris picked up the paper containing the instructions on how to brew the potion. "
Professor, would it alright if I tried brewing this here....maybe with your assistance...and Jasmine's?" Cris asked his Potions Master, immediately including Jasmine, as well. He wanted Jasmine to be part of this special moment. Cris knew that Professor Culloden was a very busy man, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
I think that I have some of them in my potions kit but not all of them," Cris told Professor Culloden after examining his kit.