SPOILER!!: Prior to move
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Emmylou had a gut feeling that this professor liked her politeness and it made Emmy feel happy. She beamed as the professor introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you and thank you." She smiled and said while taking a seat in one of the chairs that was right near her. Well Emmylou couldn't not have tea, she was addicted to it. "What kind of tea do you have?" That was a very important question, Emmy loved all tea but she also liked to have a choice of what she could have.
See, very polite. "
And the same to you," Javy smiled back as he went on to prepare the tea. "
Quite a variety, actually. I have herbal such as jasmine, chamomile, ginger, and also sweet tea."
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Was he serious? "I'm only eleven though." That was far too many years left before owning one, and that was disappointing in itself. Sighing, she realized that no matter what she did, she was not going to get an elf right now. This wouldn't be the end of it, but for the time being she would just focus her energy on something else. You had to go to a flippin' university to own a unicorn??? That was insane. "I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up." Maybe she just would go and get a degree in unicorns. She snorted when she thought about what she could do with that job wise.
Cool, he had a magazine. "Thanks professor!" She quickly flipped through the magazine and saw quite a few different creatures that looked cool, but not unicorn cool. "Oh, my friend told me about a Hippogriff, but they sound really cool so I'm assuming I can't have one of those either." Listening to the creatures that he deemed as pet ready, there were a couple that caught her attention. "Which one is the closest to a unicorn?" Or the coolest one. That was the one that she wanted. "I definitely need an owl, but I want something else too."
Nodding, "
That's perfectly fine that you aren't sure right now. You have plenty of time to try out different subjects and areas that suit your interest." Even those graduates who still didn't know ended up finding out eventually.
You're welcome." Seeing as she flipped through the magazine as mentioned about potentially owning a Hippogriff. "
Not as of now, they do require some handler knowledge of course but not as much as with Unicorns." So it would be easier in a sense. He knew she wanted to have an alternative, one that she would be able to own as soon as possible and without having to pursue higher education for it. "
Well, Miss Valentine the closest in terms of appearance and size would be horses if you were to include non-magical as well. As for on the magical side, well that would allow you progress to winged horses, which would require only your parents permission.. and of course the proper setting for them." Stables, naturally.
Relocation was always a strange feeling, no matter how many times one goes through with it. As Javy, the Creature Professor had finished up the unpacking. The cold was just way too much for this Spaniard and his creatures, leaving him little choice but to make the move and relocating the remaining animals before they tried to escape.
Now that he was all unpacked, the settling in could finally begin..
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Just as she'd thought, not a drop of quidditch to feed her soul in the ways chocolate couldn't--which were very few ways mind you but ways nonetheless. With some luck though, she was able to grab one with an article on the 10 deadliest creatures in the Wizarding World. These facts, they had her wanting one of each...or no...could she have two nundu? Surely one would get lonely and she wouldn't be able to pay that much attention to it all the time. Had to think ahead for these things you kno--
The Gryffindor had been so caught up in her reading that she almost forgot she'd knocked on the Professor's door. What had she come here for again? Oh right! Lex hopped up, letting the magazine flop to the table with a soft thud as she faced the Professor with her most polite smile. Polite because Professors were more likely to consider your propositions that way.
"I was hoping to talk to you a little about unicorns, Sir and maybe Thestrals." Perfectly serious right here, yup.
Unicorns and Thestrals.. Little definitely wasn't the word to describe the topic on them. "
Why certainly, come on in." Allowing her to step inside to have a seat. Once was Javy was seated, he set down a plate of biscuits that he made earlier that she was free to consume. "
Alright Miss Cambridge, so what were you wanting to know about them?"
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Soooo Arista kind of lost track of time and she had meant to come talk to Professor Thompson the day after she spoke to Professor Flamsteed but really she forgot so here she was now days later...If not more but she stopped counting after two. Because again too much time for that. And she wasn't even sure she wanted to come what if he took her away.
She peered into her pocket yeap, Anneliese was still there...Still being a baby about the cold.
She gave a knock onto the door...If he did ask about her she could just say that she 'forgot' it in her room.. Yeah back up plan she liked it!
Javy was merely reading one of his magazines when he heard the knocks. Luckily the magazine wasn't thick in volume, so he casually dropped it on his desk before getting up to answer it.
He looked down to see a young Gryffindor girl. "
Miss Royal.. what brings you here today?" He could sense another presence on her, but decided not to comment on it just yet.