Thread: Conference Room
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Old 06-19-2014, 06:11 AM   #26 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
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Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

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Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
So she had free run with these jokes? Brilliant. Eliora nodded, raising her pastry in his direction and then grinned. "I'll get the ticker ticking and work my hardest." Or she'd see if her younger brother had anything she could use. Recycle something. Mr. Metal wouldn't know! He wouldn't ever meet Ramsey and that was good enough for Eli. Ramsey was more than a pain in the bottom and she had no time for his collection of porcelain ducks. With the pastry now kind of in her eye line, Eliora remembered that it was there to eat and not to thrust at males that she'd only just met and already promised to make fun of.

Appalling first impression? Check.

"Nine? Couple of years and I'll let her babysit my little nugget." You know..because she as a woman needed a life too. And she was obviously joking. Potentially. As she made the gap between them bigger and headed for a seat, she did the pastry raising thing again. "That sports team? I hear one of them has an extra toe on each foot." The things you heard in the journalism world...

Yep. Rusty could take a joke. And Aron didn't mind a bit of humour in the workplace as long as the job was getting done so all in all there wasn't any trouble with it was there?

"That is proooobably not wise." And Lola would insist she could do it NOW. Merlin. That would be trouble.

Rusty was glad that Eliora didn't make any references to his apparent age and that of his daughter, he was young to have a nine year old, undeniably, though he'd hardly call himself young anymore, not much left in his twenties and really he hadn't done them justice given he'd had to get serious right quick when Lola was born and then when her mum took off. He'd wanted to put off being a grown up a little longer but it hadn't been up to him of course, and he supposed he wouldn't change it now. Not for the world.

He chuckled quietly and saluted her with his cup as she moved away to sit down. Would extra toes make you more aerodynamic?

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Blast. His mug was empty. Thankfully he didn't have to put out any effort to getting himself another as Alani walked in and gave him a fresh mug. With service like that, of course he had missed her. "Of course," he smirked as he raised his mug to her before taking a sip. Second cup of coffee already this morning. Merlin help him if the loo clogged up.

"Morning, Selene," he nodded to the woman as she entered. Almost at the buzzer. Almost. Still had some time to spare. And was she talking to him? He wasn't sure, but since he was sitting in the Department Head's seat she should be able to figure it out if she didn't know already.

Overhearing the Teen Witch Weekly transfer's talk about her 3-year-old perked his interest a little. His son could use more playmates considering both his parents were working. Really should set up dropping him off at the Ministry's Day Care now that he was walking and sort of talking. Things to take care of later. Maybe get Alani to set up since he had meetings to hold in his office today and paper work to file. Things he needed to take care of personally.

But now was not the time to sit on that pot, time to get this meeting started so it could be over and done and back to work proper.

"Alright alright, let's get this show on the road," he said as he stood up and leaned both hands on the desk. By now they had all introduced themselves, yeah? He didn't want to waste time going around the table introducing themselves like he had in the past, so if they didn't know each other's names now...that was on them. Yep. "First off, while the Ministry has passed inspection and there shouldn't be any Chizpurfles left lingering around to cause more damage, there are some spray bottles placed around the level with a pesticide just in case. If you notice anything suspicious, log it, spray it, and report to Creatures immediately." Unless, you know, they all wanted to go back to that dump from last year.

"Second, Division Two employees," he continued as his blue eyes fell on Derek specifically. "I know we are all sick of these mutants, but after looking over the lab results there is a chance we may be able to reverse the mutations." Yep. More pink drool for you lot. Have fun with that. "You'll be working with Creatures employees on this one. I'll send you details about the task at a later date. For now refresh your memory on what we know about the mutants."

Now for something a bit more light hearted. "Lastly, the Minister is encouraging that departments do a bit more for the community. Make our assets a bit more accessible and hold events for the public. We will need to perform security, along with Law Enforcement, and spell checks for those when they happen, obviously, but in the future we will need to produce an event ourselves. It was proposed that we hold some sort of spell invention competition and workshop. I would like your thoughts on the matter."

Namely were his employees even game for such a thing. Nothing had been decided or planned outside of a concept, so this was a lump of clay waiting to be sculpted however they saw fit.
... right. Down to business then...




Aaaand anything for the office of misinformation? Anything specifically for Obliviator HQ or was it just going to be business as usual? They never got the fun stuff. Except they did on a regular basis so he supposed he didn't mind. But actually he did have an idea, something that had been stewing a bit since that whole training event thing they'd done about not getting spotted.

"What about a statute breech prevention awareness event? Given that upholding the statute is our primary concern as a department, we could run simulations in which the public have to avoid the 'muggles'." He made air quotes around the word, "And get to a finish line or accomplish certain tasks. " Law enforcement would probably wanna get in on that, it'd be fun. "Or if the Minister's office get touchy about the risk involved to participants, we could arrange it as a demonstration." He wouldn't mind obliviating a few muggles publicly. "Even come up with a few hypothetical scenarios, get people to decide how they should best tackle them, and the best ideas win or whatever. Hell it might be a way of getting some kids thinking about level 3 as a good place career-wise." Could even do something at Hogwarts as a job fair type situation, who knew?

Anyway that was the entirety of his contribution.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Hold the female Frankenstein! Public? People? Actual real humans that weren't these other coffee drinking probable workaholics? Hallelujah! "People!" Eliora enthusiastically put her empty coffee cup on the table (ooooh, LET'S GET A REFILL SOON!!!!) and raised her fist in the air in triumph! "I vote for people! All the people!" The rest of the idea she didn't really give a schmoozy about but she was so in love with the idea of people that she might even use the opportunity to scout out new potential dates.

She was getting older.

25 was old.[/color]

.... maybe newbie over there needed less coffee. Rusty looked around. "We're people." He said mildly, grinning slightly and indicating the others in the room.

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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