There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
After reminding Adi about the possibility that some of the Remembralls may not smoky red after all, and seeing that the younger badger had understood what he was telling him, Cris continued his search.
He did the gum ball test again, but this time his test didn't detect any more irregularities in the way the ground lay. Cris occasionally shone light on areas where the shadows were thick, by lighting up the area with his wand casting, "Lumos" but he saw nothing out of the ordinary. He had started at one end of the corridor and by now was making his way to the middle of corridor, and except for that one Remembrall he found, Cris suspected he wouldn't find any more.
Looking up, he called over to Adi. "How's it going at your end? Any luck?" he asked his co-searcher.