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Hand-in-hand with Tobes, Sophie had a skip in her step as she hurried along to Culloden's office. The man had urged her to bring her Hufflepuff bestie along at some point, so she finally had during her usual time of day to visit him when she knew he'd be in. She couldn't blame Culloden for wanting to be in the presence of his two best and coolest and most fun students at once - the three of them had a special sort of bond, and Sophie was unashamedly excited to spend the time with both of them at the same time, too.
"He's gonna cry 'cause he's gonna be so honored to have us visit. His two favorites." Obviously. Knock, knock, knock. "Hey. It's Soooooph. I brought a surprise for you," she chimed, wiggling her eyebrows at Tobes. WASN'T HE EXCITED, TOO?
Soph was moving kinda fast, but that was okay, because Toby welcomed the excuse to charge around the castle like this. Yet another pro of hanging out with her; she was totally at the right pace for him. He was content just to hurry along beside his Ravenclaw companion, finding her enthusiasm to see the Potions Master endearingly amusing.
When they finally reached the door, Toby just stood there quietly. He didn't know what the surprise was that Soph was talking about, but it occurred to him that HE must be the surprise, so the fifteen year old remained quiet. Instead of speaking, Toby met Soph's gave and cracked a huge grin at her eyebrow antics. His knee was jiggling and bouncing as hid body already yearned for another excuse to move around some more.
Yooooooooooooo Culloden, OPEN UP.