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Beverly raised an eyebrow when he rattled the box then pressed it to his ear. She was cool and collected, but on the inside she wished he'd just dump the items on the table and let her get a look at them.
Oh...Rainbow Serpent gums...or Chocolate Sphinxes?
She...may be interested. Was he selling still? She had a few jewelry pieces on her person. Though, the silver band with little charms dangling of it on her left wrist was off limits. It was new, and for the first time she wasn't showing it off to Cutty Mordaunt.
Her eyes were on the Chocolate Sphinxes as he warned her about it. "Then I'd like those," she said, a glint in her eyes. It'd be a nice prank in the girls' dorms. Set off a bunch of flying Chocolate Sphinxes. Ha! Poor dorm mates.
Oh, he wanted to talk about money. Beverly shrugged a shoulder, along with a nod. She didn't care about money. It was the last, LAST thing on her mind. Actually, she couldn't even remember the last time she thought about money. She simply got what she wanted. But this was not just any money talk. It was business talk. Beverly Wayne liked business.
Pursing her lips and walking her fingers over each sweet in turn, she asked, "How much did they cost you? Because you don't want to sell them too cheap that it won't cover your original cost." Or too high or no one would buy, but she had a feeling Cutty knew that.
As the pretty snake girl fixed her eyes on the chocolate sphinx, Cutty noted the look along with the other expressions she held. Was that what it looked like when Beverly Wayne wanted something oh so badly? He let out a small chuckle and let a rare favourable comment loose, "
Patience now, loov. You are first in line."
Good point." He said hearing Beverly Wayne reason the cost. There was also shipment too, for those items came from afar and carried with them his avaricious intentions. The little pyramind shaped box which had been held in his palm with fingers wrapping around the outside of it was then placed down onto the surface of their house table as he said, "
Eight sickles." A little more than the chocolate frogs but they were a rarity in these parts. The Slytherin boy's fingers released the pyramid box housing the chocolate sphinx and held out his hand, palm up for Bev's payment.