Text Cut: Cris
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The first time Cris had heard of the SNAC club, he first thought it had to do with tea parties and eating snacks. That was until someone explained it had more to do with doing divination stuff than eating.
So he was pleasantly surprised when he walked into the Serenity Room, he saw a plate of chocolate cookies. Well that was the first thing he saw. The second was the Professor, third the posters on the wall.
Ignoring that plate of cookies, he walked up to the Divination Professor and greeted her with a smile. "Good morning Professor. I'm Cristoffer Strand and it's nice to meet you."
Then Cris turned around and smiled when he saw some familiar faces. Walking over to them, he grabbed one of the cushions and sat down. "Hey Adi, Leah , Zander, Cutty and um...is it Damian?. How's everyone doing?" Cris smiled at his fellow students.
He looked around for Jasmine, wondering whether she had joined the club too.
The windblock was talking. And to him. It wasn't everyday an upper classmen acknowledged a third year like Cutty Mordaunt, but the boy did nothing but hold a stoney expression. More people filed in and included amongst them was a beautiful Ravenclaw girl whom Cris seemed to have an in with.
Text Cut: Grayson
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This room. Er. Oh MAN. It was all frilly and doily and whatnot.
Okay, it WASN'T but he wouldn't be surprised if there were some frills and doilies here. Maybe it was because of the colours of the room and the soft music that was playing and...................... was that lavender he could smell? It didn't smell bad. Not at all. But added onto the colours of the room, he just wasn't sure. And the teapots made him think that this was going to be some sort of tea party where they were going to talk about their feelings or whatever.
Stepping away from the door, Grayson moved further into the room and decided to concentrate on who exactly was here. The sight of Cutty was enough to make him happy. Cutty was GOOD company, uh huh. And then there was Zander and Cris, two Hufflepuffs he didn't know and a Slytherin that was playing favourites with the Professor. If he succeeded, this fourth year was going to be IMPRESSED. Maybe even ask him about this. MAYBE.
Anyways. There was a Professor here soooooo Grayson spoke to her first. "Hello, Professor. The name's Grayson Whitlock." And that went for the others too. The unknowns. Make note of his name, mkay? "'Sup, you guys." To everyone. EVERYONE. Maybe he was feeling nice.
.............................. NAH.
And were those cookies? Were they tainted? Could they help himself?
He was going to help himself only AFTER someone else tried some.
Hey, Whitty. Why don't you come over by me." So we can see who can hold in their laughter the longest.
Text Cut: Damian
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Ohmygosh! An older student had just acknowledged him. What a day! It was a welcome break from being invisible. Damian didn't resent anyone, though. Most of the time he was too scared to strike up a conversation, hence the decision to join SNAC. As for divination, he had no impressions of it as of yet.
"Yes! I'm Damian, my name's Damian." He beamed at the older boy, who was sooooo tall. A day will come when Damian'd tower over the firsties, and squash them under the heel of his shoes. Okay, maybe not the squashing bit. How would he like if Cris here, who was clearly searching for someone, did the same to him? "Are you looking for . . . " He said, scooting nearer to Cris, and then added in a whisper, ". . . your girlfriend?" Cue: huge grin. See? He was SMART. And NOSY.
What a time to be alive! A fellow Slytherin was being nice to him. Damian did the only two things he knew best — blush and smile. He then wrung his hands some more and chewed on his bottom lips before noticing Grayson eyeing the cookies. "They don't bite, do they?" He whispered, the Professor was sitting right there. She wouldn't bake cookies that could bite their fingers off, would she?
Cutty's head slowly rose to survey the space around him. It was as if he'd smelled something before he'd seen it and was only employing the sense of sight to validate. It was a firstie. A firstie in his house called Damian. He watched as the clutchling smiled and turned pink about the face.
I'm sure they don't...But, they're probably poison.
If anyone needed confirmation that Cutty's impulse-control potion was working, it was the fact that he didn't say that just now to a poor, innocent first year. Well done, Healer Farhat!
They don't bite, but it's customary to wait until they're offered to oos." He explained with a casual sort of smile at the first year. The kiddo had charisma and Cutty thought he'd make for good collecting. He could introduce him to the Head Girl.
Text Cut: Professor Glendower
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Divination was one of Nessa's favorite subjects - after nearly anything performing arts related and History of Magic of course - and, as such, she just had to attend the first SNAC meeting after she heard all about it. The fact that her best friend was the professor and in charge of the meeting made that even more necessary for her. She wasn't about to miss this! And Cassie said it was completely fine, it wasn't just for students.
Walking into the room, she instantly lit up to see everyone there.. and how lovely Cassie had decorated. "Cass-- I mean, Professor Morgan, hello!" She grinned and gave her a little wink. Best to keep up professional decorum in front of students. "Hello, everyone!" she sang at the students before looking for a seat. She chose a table right in the middle of the crowd and sat down on the pillow. How comfy! Oooh, and snacks! How thoughtful and hospitable. Nessa began pouring herself a cup of tea while she waited for the meeting to start.
Thank goodness Cutty was taking his impulse control potion or he would've said all of that and possibly helped Professor Glendower out of the room of Serenity.
Tap-dancin' fool!