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Merlin!! Who would be crazy enough to come out here in this freezing cold. Two Hufflepuffs!! Yep! Both Adi and him. Cris was glad that he had changed into a warm sweater, and fleece lined pair of jeans. He figured that if they were crazy enough to come out here to look for missing Remembralls, the least he could do was to dress as warmly as possible.
With his cap firmly on his head, and a scarf firmly wrapped around his neck, Cris walked out to the Courtyard via the corridor. He first looked around before replying to Adi's question.
"I'll search around the pillars and in the corners over here. Maybe you can do the same over there," Cris suggested to Adi as he pointed out Adi's search perimeter. "We can start at both ends and meet up at the middle. Does that sound okay with you?" Cris asked.
Brrr! Adi shivered. Despite the scarf, sweater and the other usual winter stuff, he still felt as if he were dressed for the summer. That was how cold it was. And yet he still had the urge to go build a snowman. Crazy Hufflepuff he was.
The third year squinted in the direction of the area Cris was designating to him.
"Sounds like a plan to me,'' he told Cris with a nod of approval. Divide and conquer!
"Let's get started then.'' Adi jogged off towards his area.
And so the search of the Courtyard's corridor had begun! Every nook and cranny had to be searched. Well, as much of them as he could possibly search.