♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Nod. Lux was totally in agreement that Grayson needed to look out for these people. "When you find these people let me know." Because this was the kind of thing she was interested in hearing about. Awww, he was being sweet for saying she wasn't unique in a bad way. Some people thought that being your own person was bad because they were BORING. Boring people could be nice, but the ones that said uniqueness was bad were mean. The fact that Grayson didn't know who Adi was surprised her a little since her fellow Hufflepuff was always rather active in classes. "He's in the same House as me and he's nice. I didn't know that he had been hurt until afterwards, but I was glad when I heard that he was healed." Lux didn't talk to Adi all that much, but she still liked him. "I'm glad it isn't around anymore either. My boyfriend had it too, and I was worried that he would DIE at some point." That had made her so very sad and scared.
Oh gosh. Slipping a potion to the Transfiguration Professor. SNORT. "I could totally brew some and slip it into her pumpkin juice one morning." Totally joking of course. Even though she was capable at Potions, it would be mean to trick a Professor like that. How often did people slip potions to others? It was something that Lux had never thought about before, but it had to happen quite a lot; Professor Culloden had mentioned it before. The Charms assignment from last term was rather sneaky as well even though no potions had been involved. Part of her had felt mean for tricking Tessa even though the older girl had not minded in the least.
She missed Tessa so much. "Yep, that's Kevin. I don't know him really, but he put bugs in Angel's hair once and I had to take them out." Of course Kevin hadn't been pleased about it, but there was no way that she would let one of her friends freak out without trying her best to help them. It was what any good person would do. Awwww, he thought she was nice? That was so sweet! "Thank you, I think you are nice too." He was always kind to her! Everyone was so sweet. "Well, I like to hug people and give them Chocolate Frogs when they are upset. Do you like Chocolate Frogs?" Most people did. Charlie didn't though, but that was okay because Lux still loved her friend despite that.
Did she play Quidditch? Goodness no! Of course Grayson didn't know about her intense fear, so the question was totally reasonable. "I am TERRIFIED of heights. My friend Tessa tried to help me with flying last term, and I managed to get a few feet off of the ground. But she ended up getting the ageing thing, so the practices were stopped which means that I basically backtracked." It was okay though, because the health of her friend was more important to her than getting over her fear. "Bay offered to teach me at the end of last term, but we never got to it. So maybe one day he will." It was okay if that waited for a bit or even for a while. There was absolutely no rush. "I didn't see her over the summer, but I really like Professor Hadley. She is a very nice woman. And a great Head of House." Just because Lux considered Professor Bentley to be her Honorary Head of House didn't mean that her real one wasn't great too!
Watching Grayson click on the internet icon (after having some difficulty), she waited for the screen to load. Of course that didn't happen immediately, but she expected that to happen. The comment he made caused her to snort in amusement. Yep, these computers could really be a pain sometimes. But they were better than nothing, so she was thankful for them. Once the page was loaded, she said, "now you can type 'Twitter' into the website address box thing and it will generate the google search page for it." As she spoke, she pointed to said box because she wasn't really sure how to describe it properly and didn't know if he was familiar with using the internet. Tablets had a lot of apps, so maybe he was familiar with using those instead. |