SPOILER!!: Mordred
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The Sorting Hat does seem to be doing…weird things lately.
Mordred could swear that the kid beside him is a Ravenclaw, but it did not prevent him from grinning proudly upon hearing that he is a Slytherin. “I am actually surprised,” He said. “But Slytherin’s just the right house to make your good brain the best.” That, Mordred was sure of. Who knows? This kid just might topple him from being the Dragon Lord in the future. If only Simon could find the gusto and the determination to get what he wants, then he just might. Either way, he’ll be a great addition to Slytherin’s history, no?
Books can are proven helpful. It gives you a base…or a foundation as to where you should start your research. “…yes, but how true are the stories?” It is not a question, but a thought that Mordred wishes to plant in Simon’s mind. “Don’t be afraid to question facts, Simon. You’ll be surprised with the outcome.” He said as he gently patted the boy’s shoulder. “That can be true. But I must say that there are dragons that remain constant. That’s where Research comes into play.” Mordred might be contradicting his words, but in the discipline, he found out that the subject has two sides. “Remember, in Dragonology, you work with a Team. You cannot work without the other specialist even if you are equipped with their knowledge.” Now this was his first mistake. He thought he could do everything on his own, until his own Dragonology professor pointed this out. “Slytherins tend to outcast themselves because one; they know they are better than the others, and two; self-pride.” A pause. “Except for Ethan. That kid is…well, my point is, I do hope you broaden your friends in school. Keep the network expanding.” Hold on, why is he telling the same thing he told Ethan before? Hmm. Maybe there’s some sort of former/current Slytherin brotherhood going on, yeah?
“Good theory, Simon. Now you think like a dragonologist.” An approving nod was given and he continued. “History must be taken into account, and the Researchers back in the Reserve think the same. During the ancient time of Merlin, there were no Keepers, or Riders. There were Druids who first discovered the existence of dragon eggs, and what those eggs become.” He paused as he tried to remember that one lecture he had with Professor Ivanov. “According to my professor, they were the first breeders and handlers of dragons. Most probably, Rugarth’s handler was a druid and that he was hatched and raised by this same person.” Interesting, no?
Now onto the more…political side of things? Yes. “I believe escorting migrating dragons is one of the responsibilities of the Reserves, Simon. Dragonologists from Herbrides in Scotland, Caucasus Mountains in Russia, Romania, Wales, Sweden, and even in Australia gather in their local Reserves to learn, observe, conserve, and protect the dragons from muggles and the Draconis Extinctors or dragon hunters.” A pause. If only he could write this all down for a report, he’d very much appreciate it. “The Ministry is there as the main contacting body, and they forbid wizards and witches trading and selling dragon eggs for profit.” And honestly, the Ministry could impose more strict laws if possible. “As for the hunters, killing dragons or any being is against human nature, therefore it is illegal in itself. That’s where Keepers and Riders come into play.” Can he see the pattern now? “If there are hunters, the Keepers and Riders let the dragon fly on its own and intercept the hunters. I did mention earlier that physical strength and wand work is important, yes? You’ll be needing those for the skirmish, just in case the Extinctors are persistent.” And most of the time they are. “And yes, lots of Memory Charms when the battle gets really nasty.” People in weird clothing don’t just fall out of the sky, no? That’ll be very weird for the Muggles.
Now…the best part? That is a hard question. “I love it when he stays in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia. I like to see him fly and sniff around…trees.” Dragons do that…well, Rugarth does anyway. Mordred casually checked his watch and frowned. Where in Rugarth’s armpits is Ethan? “Well, Simon, if you’re not so sure about your next question, maybe I can show you how Rugarth looks like as a young dragon, while I wake Ethan up.” Mordred got his ebony wand out from his arm and casted his Patronus non-verbally. “My Patronus got better when I finally met Rugarth. It just looks like him in younger form.” He said as he watched a puff of smoke transform into a young Frost Dragon whose height was up until Simon’s waist as it glided across the store, then tumbled on Mordred’s feet. The former Slytherin leaned closer to it and gave his messenger the message. “Ethan…WAKE.UP!”
Simon was glad that he could surprise someone as awesome as Mordred because he felt as if Mordred wasn't a guy who was taken by surprise too often. He grinned and nodded. "
That's what the Sorting Hat told me!" he said.
He paused, thinking of Mordred's question. Simon let it sink in. Yes, stories weren't too accurate all the time. Research does come in handy, but he had to learn how to be a team player. He nodded. "
I've noticed that since coming to Hogwarts. Almost all the classes that I've been in have been centered about partnering up with people." Yes, he had teamed up with a Gryffindor boy in Charms class and the two had started to become friends. Yay! Friends were good. "
That's a good idea. I'll work on that. I promise," he said as he agreed with Mordred. Yep, broaden your network as they will be more useful to you later in life. All sound advice.
Simon enjoyed the compliment that Mordred offered him. He beamed and continued listening. "
I feel as if I should be taking notes," explained he as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a notebook and a pen. He opened it up and scribbled down a couple of major points. Yep, Simon was basically getting a lesson in dragonology today.
SWEET! he thought.
He paused and continued taking notes. Dragon Hunters. Illegal. Yep, yep, yep. He took a moment to reread and then saw a slight pattern emerging. His eyes widened. "
Oh, I kinda get how the system works. It makes sense." He nodded in response to Mordred's question, making sure that he would keep up with physical exercise and whatnot. "
That's good. It must be pretty tough though. The Ilfracombe Incident back in 1932 showed that," he explained, remembering the topic that he'd read last night in History Of Magic.
Simon's eyes widened when he saw Mordred's patronus. WOAH. THAT WAS SUCH AN AWESOME PATRONUS. It was so cool. "
That's incredible!" he said. Apart from that, Simon was speechless for the most part. He just stared in awe at the frost dragon patronus. He couldn't wait to find out what his patronus would be one day.