Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Zander chuckled a little seeing the Twizzler hanging out. But then woaaaaah, her accent?? It was mesmerizing. "You're accent..." How does a person finish that kind of sentence? It was so cool. But did girls like the word cool? Uh, uh. "It's really," Interesting? Would that make him creepy?? Pretty? But that'd be SO embarrassing. "Nice," he finally finished deciding that it was the safest word to use. And it was nice. Kind of refreshing actually? So, unique. "If you, er, don't mind me asking, where's it from?" Zander hadn't actually ever met the girl... But he remembered seeing glimpses of her at the Gryffindor common room and maybe even the Great hall. She was definitely a Gryffindor. Which kind of scared him because the only Gryffindor girl that Zander really knew was Zahra.
And Zahra took a bite out of his arm.
And Lex. But Lex was kind of terrifying. And it had nothing to do with the fact that she was a Prefect, although that probably helped. So Gryffindor girls were scary. And girls are scary in general. And confusing. Very confusing. And that's why he kept on asking 'if she minded' because he would approach this lion with caution.... incase. This was the first person ever that complimented her accent. People have given her strange looks, asked her where she's from and things like that but never ever compliment her accent. A sweet smiled grew on her face. She grabbed her bag of Twizzlers gesture her arm towards the boy. "Would you like some?" she smiled. He had to be her age, he looked her age and she could have sworn that she had seen him before. Maybe in the common room but she was sure. "I'm from Alabama." Emmylou thought that was a weird way for someone to asked that. She didn't mind being asked questions but maybe someone was mean to him here or he was scared of some people. "I'm Emmylou."
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |