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Mordred nodded and basked in Simon’s enthusiasm. Being a Tamer…or a Keeper is hard work, but since it keeps the older guy on his toes, he’s definitely cool with it. “Good then. Being a Rider requires research too. You have to know what you’re doing.” It’s rare that one can ride a full grown dragon, but there were smaller species that allow wizards or witches to have that kind of access.
“No offence if you’re a Ravenclaw, kid. But you ought to question books at some point. Remember that not all authors are telling the truth.” Piece of advice right there. “It does apply to the study of dragons, if I may add. You see, Dragonology would require you to have extensive Fieldwork. On that note, dragonologists get the chance to take note of different dragon interactions and behaviors. Some of them are not even recorded on books.” Why? “Look at the authors of the books you’re reading, Simon. Are they still alive to record such events? Do you think that dragons are constant? Or do they change too as years pass by?” Mordred shifted his gaze from the floor to the eager young boy.
Mordred chuckled and shook his head. Ethan. He just won’t stop talking, yes?
The young man nodded in response, totally getting what Simon’s question is. “Some dragons don’t mind, some do. As for Rugarth, he’s somewhere in between.” Talk about a dragon having trust issues. “Researchers are still studying him as to who was the first to have handled him. It seems that his first handler had a strong bond with Rugarth, and as millennia passed by the dragon has held on to him…or her.” So…what is exactly his point? “Wizards before me who spent time with Rugarth said that the dragon didn’t mind company, which makes his migration dangerous.” Mordred shifted and looked at the ceiling. “There are also dragon hunters out there, and they know when and where dragons migrate. If they are unaccompanied, these hunters will hunt the dragon down and use its body parts for profit.” Really, Simon should be taking down notes. “The point is, we’re merely escorting him to safety. Make sure that he doesn’t get hunted, and that his migration is kept secret and veiled from Muggles…and Hunters alike.” Did that answer the young kid’s question? Mordred looked back at Simon. “Anything else?” If Simon wanted to know everything, then he should just send him his Term Paper for the young boy to read.
Anything that had to do with dragons seemed as if it required a lot of research. Simon smiled. Research was one of his many sports that he practiced. He loved to find or create answers to unsolvable problems. It was exciting.
Simon shook his head. He was certainly not a Ravenclaw, but he easily could have fit into that house too. He remembered that the Sorting Hat had struggled to find a place for him. The hat had told him that he would benefit in either place at first, but once it heard Simon's inner thoughts about finding a way to cure his mother's memory loss, the hat changed its mind and placed Simon in Slytherin. And so far Simon had prospered. "
Surprisingly, I'm not a Ravenclaw. I'm a Slytherin," he explained with a grin. He nodded. "
Right. It's like in history how the victor of a battle always writes the text that ends up in the textbook that students study hundreds of years later." Simon paused and took a moment to really think about Mordred's question. It was natural for things to evolve over time. "
Dragons have changed over time. They've evolved or adapted to further increase their chance of survival." And that was taken right out of Darwin's
Origin of Species except not word for word. Or about dragons because Darwin didn't write about dragons
Did dragons have personalities too? He was sure that perhaps they did, but once hearing Mordred's next words on it, he was sure of it. He paused, frowning when he heard Rugarth had trouble with letting go of his first handler. "
Poor thing. I'm assuming that his first handler watched him grow from a young adult dragon into an adult one. It sounds as if the handler almost raised him," he said, trying to understand how the dragon might've been feeling. At the mention of hunters, Simon's brow furrowed. It reminded him of the elephant hunting trade that he had read about in his brother's world history textbook a couple of years ago. "
You'd think that Ministry would do something about it. Do they have an protective measures for protecting migrating dragons? Any law framework that would arrest the hunters?" If not, then Simon thought it would be rather interesting to fight the battle to get a law about protecting dragons. It was important to him. Very important. "
Sounds like you would have to use a lot of Memory Charms."
Anything else? THERE WAS SO MUCH SIMON WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT!!! As he paused, he remembered that Ethan was supposed to be meeting them up soon.
Where was Ethan? he thought. Had his friend gone back to sleep after grunting? Perhaps so. Or had he run into Josie in Hogsmeade? Who knew! "
I have so many questions... I just don't know where to start. What's your favourite part about working with Rugarth?" he asked.