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Old 06-12-2014, 05:35 PM   #21 (permalink)
Gladrags Mod

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

You can be normal without being boring? Grayson wasn't sure if he agreed with that or not buuuuuuuut he wasn't about to tell Lux that. Nope. "Looks like I'll have to look out for these normal and not boring people, then." Because he hadn't met anyone who was like that. Either they were interesting and fun to be around or freaking weird. "Unique's definitely not bad. Means you're your own person." Good for you, Lux. And who was Adi? "Er, nope. Never heard of him before," Had he not come back because of this injury or whatever he had had? HMMMM? "You think he's alright?" Out of curiosity and all. And speaking of curiosity, since Lux didn't witness the other injuries, Grayson was just going to shrug it off. "Still. I'm glad it's not around anymore."

SNORT. "Sounds about right. Or give her some Elixir to Induce Euphoria," Uh huh. Either one could work. "Jeez, can you imagine if someone did that? I think it'd be hard not to laugh at the results." Because it was BELLAIRE. He'd have to leg it afterwards, just in case she thought that he was the culprit but MAN, would that be interesting. Kevin? "The Gryffindor kid who caused drama that one time?" LOOOOOOL. Culloden hated him? OH MAN. "I'm not surprised. You're nice. It's hard to be grumpy with someone who's nice." Apart from the overly nice ones who insist on hugging you and giving you friendship bracelets after knowing them for five minutes. Jeez, what was up with THOSE people?

"Did you play Quidditch?" Competition, you know. He had to know about this. And wasn't it great how different stories and encounters could fit together so well? "Congrats to her, then! I saw her in a Cafe in Diagon Alley over the summer, actually. Was very heavily pregnant by then." He still didn't know how he felt about babies. That included having feelings for someone and he didn't know how he felt about that.

Click on the icon for the internet? Whiiiiiich............ oh THAT one. Where the girl was pointing over at. He moved his mouse over, which proved to be a bit difficult since the boy was all too used to touch screens and caused the boy to mumble something along the lines of, "Stupid thing." He did eventually click on the icon, though. Uh huh. EVENTUALLY.
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