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Iron Man and Batman would sure have a good fight. "As much as I wanna say Batman, I think Iron Man would win." He had a freaking suit that would keep the man safe far longer than Batman would be. "Batman would put up a good fight though."
What Adi was saying was very true. "Yup. All guys seem to think the same way on this one." AJ would definitely fall into the guy category on getting ready. "She so is. Angel tries to out make-up on me in my sleep. I don't know why she cares what I look like." She had her own face, kind of. She pictured Benny and Angel together and Benny having to wait on her. "Well, Benjamin seems to be patient so even more reason for them to get together." She thought he wouldn't like waiting, but he wouldn't be bothered by it as much as others would. "I will!" She hoped. At that very moment she felt something on her line. Jerking quickly the first year pulled out a trout. "Look, I caught one!" Finally!!! "Can I borrow another one of your baits?" She could totally catch up.
Another good question. "I would like to think so for her own dignity, but I think she is in pretty deep." It was cutie pie this and cutie pie that. Angel blushed every time that Benjamin was brought up. "That would be the worse." Angel never got her jokes and always took them to heart so she already knew first hand how that was. "No wimps please." She flashed a crooked smile to Adi.
"Something else we agree on,'' Adi said. Yep, Iron Man would most likely be the winner of that fight. His suit was just incredible.
"Of course he would. Batman never goes down without a fight.''
Adi laughed.
"In your sleep?'' That was a funny thing to picture.
"You don't need make up.'' To him, AJ looked great so why would Angel need to bother with putting makeup on her sister? Adi's eyes darted to AJ's line. Sure enough she had finally managed to snag a fishy. "Adi leads 2-1,'' the third year commentated.
"Sure, here you go. How much time left?'' He thought there might be somewhere between fifteen to ten minutes. Hopefully he could snag another fish and win this because if AJ caught another it would just even things up.
"I would think so, too. She seemed really dejected when Benny wasn't talking to her.'' Okay, so whenever he thought about that he felt guilty but the two were talking again so guilt could you please go away?
"No wimps,'' Adi agreed.