Simon nodded and reached into his bag to grab a notebook when he realized that Mordred was not a Professor. Yes, it would have been quite odd for a stranger to see a young adult giving a lesson to a thirteen year old in a Hogsmeade shop of all places. Though truth be told, Simon wouldn't care too much as he would be learning all these awesome things about dragons that the Professors hadn't taught them yet at Hogwarts. He blinked, trying to make a mental note of everything Mordred was saying.
He blinked when Mordred answered his question about specializations. Gee. That sure made sense.

why hadn't he thought that before?

He dismissed the thought and kept up with listening to Mordred. His eyes widened when Mordred said 'Rider'. Being a dragon rider would've been awesome. "
And what is your specialization?" he asked. He had remembered Ethan had talked about it, but he couldn't remember specifically what Mordred did.
Now when Mordred asked Simon a question about what he had researched, he was speechless for a bit. He counted on his fingers. Four. He had researched about four in depth. "
Well I've done some research into Catalonian Fireball and Portuguese Long-Snout. However, they've both been extinct for a while so I wouldn't be able to work with them. I've researched about Hungarian Horntails and Romanian Longhorns." Simon paused. Despite all of these breeds, he was interested in finding more about the frost dragon. "
I've tried to do some more research about frost dragons but couldn't find much in the Hogwarts' libraries." He frowned. He had failed in that aspect.