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Old 06-11-2014, 04:04 AM   #117 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: May 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

SPOILER!!: bhb and Laila-la and Kat and Deniz and Lisa :3 sorta replied to in a silly order
Originally Posted by sarahlooo View Post
Oh, meeting new people. That was always fun. January smiled at the younger man from Vic's department. He had seen him roaming around, but they had never officially met before. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Sir Simon," she said with a grin and a curtsy, keeping herself in character of a... err... polite lady-archer of very old times. Yes. There wasn't an official title of what she was tonight.

"And pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Angeline." Another curtsy for her. Merlin, this was going to get tiring.

January thought about starting a conversation with them, but she was soon distracted by a familiar face that was closer to the buffet table. It was WILLY! Jan stuck her arm in the air and waved back at him giddily, probably wiggling Vic around because her arm was still linked with his. Hehe. Ohhh and look, he was coming over! January beamed at him, trying not to be impolite to the others.

Wait. "You look very handsome," she told her friend. "Where's your costume?" Hmmmm? He was dressed up as a modern day wizard. Boring.

Perhaps introductions were in order. Vic and Willy had heard all about each other from January, but she was pretty sure they hadn't actually met before. "Vic, this is William," she said, gesturing to the asparagus-chomping man next to him. "And William, this is Vic. My boyfriend." But he knew that already. "Oh, and this is Simon and Angelina," January added, gesturing to the couple across from them. She didn't even know them, but she knew their names, so... There you go.

Oh, she had broken character now. Whoops. No curtsy for Willy.
Originally Posted by StarShine View Post
Angelina beamed, because he said she worked good! "Thank you," she said and wanted to tell him HOW she made his dress in detail, but he'd be bored. Bummer. So, instead...

More bummer, because his real co-workers were losers and didn't attend cool -

"Oh, sure," she breathed in new excitement. His job was so breath-taking, especially compared to her boring one, so she wanted to meet as many people as possible.


How elegant and professional they both looked! Bet they were also really talented wizards. Angelina never questioned her job or the path she'd chosen, but that didn't mean she couldn't be awed by others.

She kept silent while the boys talked. Oh, the woman wasn't Simon's co-worker, only the man. Angelina smiled at them both politely.

...she was his 'lovely' girlfriend? Angelina mentally swooned. Heh. She was! She loved the title.

And another man joined them! Angelina was loving this place. She knew she probably wouldn't see any of them again, but it was still nice to meet them. This was her sole fun in her boring life.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bones, Pennifold and... William." Whose surname she didn't know, sadly. She also couldn't do a curtsy like January, but she could smile politely.

"It's nice to meet
Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
"Pleasure to meet you, Angelina." Vic took the young lady's hand and placed a Knighty kiss. "If Simon messes with you, give me a call and we'll arrest him for you." He gave his colleague a playful grin. He was kidding, the girl would know he was kidding, right? He was a funny man, everybody knew that.

He fondly looked at his date and was about to explain what they both were when Jan waved enthusiastically at someone. He followed her gaze and dreading to see a Fuller. Nope, Fuller wasn't around, he was on the other side of the hall chatting with someone. "Who-" He started to say when William, a.k.a January's best guy friend, joined their small circle. Aha! About time they had met.

"It's good to finally meet you, William. January told me all about you... and your darkest secrets." He added with a wolfish grin. Look at that plate in his hand though. Vic was reminded by the reason he'd approached this part of the hall!

"Dear Girlfriend? Would you like me to get you anything while I pile me some food?" Even though, she should be the one serving the knight, if they wanted to role play this well. Just saying. Vic was too scared to 'just saying' it out loud, though.
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
It really was nice to be back in London for the christmas break. While there was hardly anything noteworthy going on at Hogwarts, Alysson still enjoyed it there. Even though of course it was work and everything but it was definitely a change of scenery.

As was this though. What a nice place. And the decorations were incredible. As were the costumes some of the guests had chosen to wear. She herself wasn't really one for wearing costumes, maybe occasionally. For fun. But seeing as William hadn't exactly been thrilled by the idea, Alysson had chosen a simple attire as well. Nice and appropriate for the occasion of course. Just not a costume.

After being held up chatting to some of her co-workers, Alysson briefly wandered around in search for William. Though, to be honest, he wasn't THAT hard to find. Somewhere close to the buffet was definitely a good place to look. And voilĂ ! there he was. Talking to a group of people, some of which (most really) she knew.

"...found you!" Alysson announced with a small grin as she moved to stand next to William, leaning against his side slightly. "Hello." She took a moment to smile at everyone. Ah. This person she certainly didn't know. "I'm Alysson." She offered her hand for the woman (Angelina) to shake.

Food. She should have brought some. Or at least a drink.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Sir Simon...that had a familiar ring to it, like a link to a memory but he couldn't quite place it. No matter, January was no doubt playing along with her identity, whatever it was. The only idea was simply a historic period like he and Angelina has opted with. Though she vaguely reminded him of a painting from the home of a family friend. He gave a half-bow in answer to her curtsey before noticing she seemed to have noticed someone else she knew. Simon in turn noticed the change in color in Angelina's face and chalking it up to his choice of words in introduction.

Not that he was lying in saying she was lovely.

"Hello..." he echoed, greeting the man who eventually approached and perched himself on the edge of the growing group. A man named WIlliam as January introduced the group to him. "Nice to meet you," the auror replied with a simple nod of his head. It was only when William was joined by his apparent date that he smiled in response.

Small world it was. The girlfriend of Vic's being friends with the boyfriend of Alysson.

However as he heard the words being addressed to his date, he was directed away from the hit wizard momentarily. "Funny there..." Simon mused with an amused look. "Just remember that works both ways." And as an auror he actually had the power to arrest people.

"Good evening Alysson," he finally greeted with a smile and a half-bow. And as the woman offered her hand to Angelina, the auror registered that more introductions were in order. She had mentioned she wanted to meet her coworkers and this was number two. "Alysson this is my girlfriends, Angelina. Angelina this is Alysson, one of our hit wizards."

Introductions were still happening, hey! William had picked a good time to join this group. Of course his ears started turning red as soon as January complimented him, but he looked down at his shoes with a soft, "Thanks." She looked nice too, even with that hair... thang going on. He looked back up. "No costume for me, naaaaah." Willy shook his head cheerfully. "This IS my costume, see. I'm dressed as a very boring Ministry of Magic Employee." Like someone who worked in the Minister's Office.... hehehehehehh. "Who are YOU supposed to be, huh? A medieval woman on a bad hair day?"

He tilted his head at her and her date, who was OBVIOUSLY a knight. A kind of intimidating knight, actually. He'd meet him in a second. "William Williamson," Willy supplied to the pretty lady with the dude who wasn't Vic. Oh, Simon was his name. Yes, Simon. "Nice to meet you both," he smiled at them. He WOULD offer them a hand, but... plate. Food. Couldn't drop that. And besides, Aly was here now aww. "Glad you found me." He slung an arm around her and now he really couldn't shake hands. Thank you, girlfriend.

"I hope she didn't tell you my LIGHTEST secrets too," Willy sort of chuckled at Vic, though his eyes drifted over to January after a moment. "Good to meet you though. I hope we'll get to talk some later." Since he was going off to get some food? Were they all gonna eat? "You can have some of my plate," William mentioned to Alysson, as an aside. "I brought two forks." He'd picked up two by accident but one never knew when one might need a spare fork!

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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