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Right, because most things just didn't seem to be a big deal to him, which kind of always amazed her. How could he just not even care about his ankle or anything when she worried about it fairly often? Not that it was always on her mind, but when he ever mentioned anything about having to practice, her automatic thought was his ankle and whether or not he'd be overworking himself. Granted, when it came to her wanting to do things (before, when they didn't have issues), she'd always forget about his ankle and would want to jump on trampolines and whatnot..but she worried all of the other times! "I know, you'll be fine. Worrying is just an automatic response." If she could help it, she would.
Charlotte reached out a hand to touch the bracelet, assuming it'd be fine with him if she did? He never had a problem with it before so surely, since they were working things out, it'd be fine now? Not like Jun would ever be the type to make her keep from touching him or anything.
"Well....it's kind of random, and not the blue hoodie, but it's still really nice." She smiled up at him and moved her hand back down to her side. "I guess grandma knows best?" Char didn't really believe in good luck charms but if Grandma Kim said so, then she said so.
An automatic response? After that whole seen they went through and stopped talking to each other, she still cared? Jun just nodded, knowing that if he actually said something, they'll stop talking again. He didn't want that. He missed having her as a best friend. Though Jun will always blame himself for what happened. He was the one with the disorder, not her. But maybe she was just saying that?
"She knows about the program and how my cousin, Kai and I have worked hard to get into it. So I guess she wanted us to have a little luck to even be considered for a group," And there were rumours going around. Kai had owled Kataro and him about them, but didn't say much. Though said he'd keep his ear open for more news.
"Sometimes. She's just really protective about her grandchildren more than her own kids," Jun laughed.
"Strange lady, she is,"