Post 1 Treat Yo Self | +2 | Enabler | Nerd | Blink
March Time. The only thing missing from this cult-ish feeling is some ominous sounding humming. They were Botros' cult. Marching down to the lake with lit torches. Nope nothing wrong with this image
Not at all.
Marching, Nigel goes. And of course it starts snowing. Nigel was going slow enough to be careful of black ice or ice in general. Though this was grass. So Black ice should not be here. But since this is Hogwarts, you never know.
Colder, Colder than just normal cold. What did he do to deserve this. Not laughing at pants that were no fire Definitely not that. It was now colder than cold and Nigel wanted to march back to the common room and starfish in front of a fire.
His little torch was just not cutting it right now.
__________________ -------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside. |